Chapter 2: Ways and Decision

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"You will have to pass through Mirkwood and then to the kingdom of Asgenatian. But beware as the creatures of the dark and the air of the forest is poisonous. "said the Lord.
"Thank you, my lord. But we will take the elven road. After the defeat of Sauron, it should be safe by now. "said Sabriel.
The Lord and Helena exchange their expression.
"But Sabriel there are many dark creatures still lurk in the forest." said William.
"Is there no other way around?" asked Anderson.
"Not unless you want to take the Old Road where wargs and Orcs attack us in the hours of wolf." said Sabriel coldly, holding a glass of wine.

    After the discussion, Sabriel went to the library and read about Mirkwood. Her mind was fascinated but distracted somehow.  Her moment was disturbed by the coming of the Lord of River Valley came in.

"Not with your fellow companions." said he.
"I would like to rest and clear my thoughts." said Sabriel, looking at the book.
"You look tired and pale as well." said the Lord concerned about her sudden appearance.
"Well, I'm indeed having a slight problem to deal with. I can't remember how I ended up here. All I remember is that the two elves who  looked  familiar as I look upon them. Something is missing in me and I can't remember it." explained Sabriel,putting the book down.
"It will come in time. Do not worry. " said the Lord, leaving her alone.
After a few days,at the break of dawn, the fellowship was ready, waiting for the two late comers, Kristen and Legolas. While waiting, they checked their swords and weapons. Water and food was provided as well by the kind Lord. Soon, they heard a footsteps and pants. Turns out to be the late elves. They both reached at the main gate 20 minutes late. Sabriel was crossing her arms, looking at them angrily.
"What took you so long? " asked Sabriel coldly.
"Oh, forgive us. She was the cause I am late." said Legolas,pointing at Kristen.
"HEY! " shouted Kristen. "You -"
"Enough!" shouted Helena,silencing them. 
They both kept quiet but quietly glare dagger each other through the stare.
"Oh my, this is whole lot harder than I thought. " sighed Smithy.

AUTHOR NOTES ; sorry it's is short but I will update soon!

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