Chapter 21

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Sabriel heard a voice called her name. She was nervous but try to remain calm.

'Sabriel.... Sabriel.... ' it called.

Sabriel was looking around the place. The voice keep calling her but she was finding out where it came. She followed the sound and the voice in the forest.

"Who are you? " asked Sabriel. "Why are you following me? "

She saw the white figure revealed a lady with a fiery hair that shines like a candle fire. It's like a floating sprit.

"Did you not recognize me? " asked the spirit.
"Mother? " asked Sabriel.
"Yes, my snowflake. " said the sprit.
"What happened to you? Why are you here? " asked Sabriel.
"My dear, why do you run away from the prophecy? " asked the spirit.
"How come? " asked Sabriel.
"It does not matter now, Sabriel. It's time for you to move on. Many things had changed in this world. It's getting darker as it once were. Peace will not last. War is coming. You will have to prepare. Nothing will stand in His way if he gets the ring. " said the spirit.
"You are here to warn me?" asked Sabriel.
"Yes, Sabriel. " said the spirit, fading away.
"Mother, please don't leave me. Not like this. I miss you. " said Sabriel.
"I know but I can't be long or I will fade and never to be seen. I love you, my snowflake. " said the spirit and it vanished.

Sabriel woke up by the lakeside. Her mind was racing with questions. A horn had sound. It comes from the palace. Gladiolus came to her.
"What is it, Gladiolus? " asked Sabriel.
"My lady, an orc pack is close to our boarders. " said Gladiolus.
"Prepare my horse. Allow the troop and meet me at the entrance. Guard the main gates if they breached through. " said Sabriel.
"Yes, my lady. " said Sabriel, running to her room.

She grabbed her weapons and went to the main gates. Her horse was prepared. Galasdir came out.

"You cannot ride to war. " he ordered.
"Galasdir, please. I am the lady. I am currently doing my duty. " said Sabriel.
"Sabriel. Please, I don't want you to get hurt. " said Galasdir.
"Gladiolus, bring Lord Galasdir to the chamber. " ordered Sabriel.

Galasdir frowned and Gladiolus dragged him to the chamber. Through the library window, Thranduil watched her troops moved out.

"Wondering, Thranduil? " asked King Hrivë.
"Of course not. " said Thranduil.
"I have been watching you from far. Tell me if I am not mistaken that you fell in love with someone? " asked King Hrivë.
"Of course not, my friend. We, elves only love once. " said Thranduil.
"But do you truly love her? " asked King Hrivë.

Thranduil did not answer that question. Instead he changed his topic.

"Are you supposed to be aiding her? " asked Thranduil.
"Sabriel is my daughter. Long lost one. She is indeed have a skill of leadership. " said King Hrivë.
"How about Prince Ethil? " asked Thranduil.
"He is mostly like the noble. They always fight when it came to defense. Ethil loves to read books about the royal family and diplomacy. " said King Hrivë.
"Alright. " said Thranduil."Is your daughter act so reckless?"
"As it always. " said King Hrivë. "When she was young, she always look for adventure. Her mother, Queen Glawen was begged by Sabriel to teach her art defense."
"How is she when she was young?" asked Thranduil.
"A fine warrior that I have seen. She was born differently from the other girls in this kingdom. Born to be a warrior and a leader. She even made a bow out of sticks and tree veins. " he chuckled at the memory.
"Oh. Alright. She is similar to both of my son. " said Thranduil.
"I can't stop her from her life adventures. Sabriel is also very secretive. There was once I was busy with paperworks and rode to war. By the time I came back, all the paperwork is done. I went to all my children and all of them denied for touching the paperworks. I went to Sabriel's chamber and ask her. She told me that she never touched it as well. It was strange a few weeks later, an advisor told me it was Sabriel who done the job and the kingdom's reputation went high dramatically. Economic status went up and our kingdom become prosperous. " said King Hrivë.
"Well, she is secretive. " said Thranduil. "She is really different from the others. "
"I would agree to that. My friend, come let us talk about your purpose and war strategy. " said King Hrivë. Thranduil nodded and the two kings left.


In the forest borders, sounds of metal clashing each other and battle cries fill in the atmosphere. Sabriel and her troops fought with the orc pack.

"My lady! The orcs are too many!" exclaimed a guard.
"Stand onto our ground! " shouted Sabriel, fighting three.

The Orcs snarled at her.
"I am going to cut your head! " snarled one.
"Do you dare?! " exclaimed Sabriel slicing the orc with her daggers.

After an hour battling, the pack was finally destroyed. Sabriel ordered her troops to moved back. They entered the Main Entrance.
"Guard the gates! Make sure there is no outsiders entered our kingdom and disturb the peace. Allian, I will put you in charge on this route. If there is any sight of danger, inform me earlier. " said Sabriel.
"Yes, my lady. " said the guards.

She put Eyrn Numen into the stall. She brushed his mane and washed him. He was her first best friend in the kingdom as many of her people left her out. Especially the girls in the kingdom and other princesses of the other kingdoms.

"Numen, it's been so long. " said Sabriel, patting it's head. The black horse nuzzled on her hand. She handed an apple to the horse.

She left and into the throne room.
"Excuse me, Father." said Sabriel. "Ah, my dear, you have returned." said King Hrivë.
"Orcs had increased and they are even tougher, stronger that the previous one. I believe we need more guards to defend the kingdom,my lord. " said Sabriel.
"Of course. " said King Hrivë. "Anyway do you want to join us for lunch? "
"My lord, I am indeed need to change my attire and have plenty of duties. " said Sabriel. "Have a great day, my lord. "

Sabriel left into her chamber and took a bath.


AUTHOR NOTES : HEY! Another chapter and it may be long ~? Anyway, I would like to apologize if there are many grammatical mistakes.

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