Chapter 45

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            Lord Galasdir went to the tent where his father held as a prisoner. (Dear readers, I know it is not right to held the king but this is the White Kingdom's law. No matter what status you are, if you are found that you killed a royal, you are consider as a prisoner) King Thranduil was chained up like a helpless animal. The two guards posted at the tent,bowed to Lord Galasdir, lifted up the tent covers like an opening for him as Galasdir entered.

 "What is his condition?" asked Galasdir.

"His condition is fine, my Lord," reported the guards.

"Unchain him," ordered Lord Galasdir.

    Quickly, the guards were do as they were told and helped King Thranduil on his feet. His feet were wobbly and the King has no strength after the spell had left. It has absorb much energy while it dwelt in the body of the Elvenking. The two guards placed him on a nice and cozy cushion bed. 

"Ada,"he called. "Get me the Mudarath in the healing pouch!" A guard gave him a pouch with bronze lining on it's cover. A bottle was laid in there. He gave his father a sip of the potion which had already strengthen him a little. "Ada?"

"My son! My son!" he hugged his Ada and tears rolled out from his eyes like a twin river. The happiness that Galasdir reunited with his father was a joyful memory. He was happy that his father is alright. "Do not weep now."

"Ada, I thought you have gone. I am worried,"said Galasdir,pulling the hug away.

"My son,"King Thranduil called, patting his son's head. "That is where you underestimated me."

"Ada, I need you. To lead the soldiers of White Kingdom and ours as well," he said. 

"Why,son?" asked King Thraduil.

"Ada, Lady Sabriel is dead. She is no longer here!" exclaimed Galasdir.

"No, it cannot be! What has happened?" asked the Elvenking. The sound of pain and curious he wanted to know. In the way, where his love faded to an unknown place for him. 

"Ada,I-I can't," he looked down on the ground,not wanting to tell him. He too does not want to tell out for it hurt his heart. A lady which actually won his heart. An arrow pierced his broken heart, it shattered as he watched her and her fallen comrades died in the battle. 

"Ion nin, what do you mean by you can't?"questioned the king.

"Ada, I really can't tell!" cried Galasdir.

"Lord Galasdir! Lord Galasdir!" alarmed a guard.

"What is it this time?" he asked. The guard gave him a letter. He read it and gasped. A note smelt the death and fear surround the piece. The writings of the letter is in red as in human's blood. The guard covered his nose as the note is unfolded. Galasdir sneered in disgust as he saw the blooded writing and begun to scroll through the words of its content. In a strange way, Galasdir understands the writing although it is no longer used in this world. It is an ancient language in the tongue of Men with a mixture of elvish. 

"They knew," said the Elvenking.

"......The blood of the pure shall pour, end the days of liberty with darkness. No sounds nor music shall rung in times, where all foul things come forth, The One shall rule and the pure must die, in the  hands where the shadows lied, deep in the caverns of the tombs in the catacombs of White Kingdom, where the pure lines dies. In their homeland, where they sacrificed. The pure dies and all the kingdom of Middle Earth will follow to wither, in the snow where no one sees, the shadow moves. No one can be saved from the shadow's wrath. All shall bowed and obeyed it's command. Nothing can stop the darkness. All will die and the world will be devour in the dark..." said Galasdir.

"This could only mean one thing," he concluded. "Only Sabriel's power can save us."

"But, sir, have you forgotten her body-" the guard reminded him.

"It is stolen, yes. Her powers is the only source that can diminished the evil from being spread. We need to find it as soon as possible,"said Galasdir.

"You do not need to," said King Thranduil, held a ring of hers. 

"Where did you get that?" asked Galasdir.

"She gave it to me. As a token of friendship and love," said King Thranduil,sighing. "The ring is the one can destroyed evil. But without it's bearer, it cannot work."

"No. It can," said Galasdir. 

"Sir, if I may interject, it can work. I have seen it once," said the guard.

"Do educate us with your witness upon this valuable ring," said King Thranduil.

"Allow me to tell you about this ring, my lords," he said. "Long ago, before my time, our ancestors ruled the lands. They were known as tribes, before our lands combined. The five tribes were govern by five leaders whom have special skills. One of them were the pure lines of the sindarin and noldorin elves. The purest among all leaders and being in the world. Master Lavadier, and his pure lines of his legacy. He held a power that no one had ever seen. A power which is so powerful that driven yet destroyed evil in a flick. The ring he used he wielded make him powerful. Later on, he died in battle whilst the ring was wield by another during the dark times. With a spell and code it uncover, the new bearer from his legacy, wield it," explained the guard. "The ring it is from him until it had reached to the hands of the lady and now you. It is time for it to have a new bearer. Once, you are it's bearer, you cannot leave it or the evil will use it and the power in the ring that it store will die and effect the world."

"The ring," said the Elvenking. "It glowed."

"It is detecting something," said Galasdir.

"No,it is not. It is calling," said the guard.

"Calling what?"

"It's old master," he answered. "It had answered the master's call."

"You mean Sabriel?" asked King Thranduil.

"No, my lord," he said. "I fear it is not Lady Sabriel. "

"Then, what is it calling?" asked Galasdir.

"A thunderous bird," he said. "A creature with thunderous eyes and a size of the dragon Smaug. The piercing caw echoed from the skies. With it's wrath rage, it is incompatible."

"Will it help us?" asked Galasdir.

"Help us?" repeated the guard.  He looked at him. "No, my lord. I fear it will worsen the situation. Only the bearer of the ring can help us and communicate with it and convince it. Or it will bath us with thunderous flames and ashes."


AUTHUR'S NOTE: Hey, peeps! This book had reached about 1.5k reader. It is a good thing! I am sorry if my story had been a bore but I promise after publishing it I will edit the whole story again. 

Have a good day and night peeps! :)

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