Chapter 4

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Disclaimer : not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. bare with me. thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Kierra's POV

Today's the start of weekend for this week. A good day to go to the mall to buy some potential finger foods for my book marathon tomorrow. Checking my wallet and keys before i even go out, and then looking at my outfit in front of the mirror a few times since today i wore an oversized black shirt and a black tight pants with my black penny loafer shoes. Going with comfortable outfit feels even better for today's agenda.

I waited to hail a cab outside the gate to drive me off to the nearest mall. As i wait for the cab to arrive to the mall, i  received a text from William asking what's my agenda for today, therefore i replied telling him i am off to the mall to buy groceries. He replied right away that he'd accompany me after he is done washing his car. Shrugging, i replied okay to him as i don't mind having another person with me if it's him.

After a while, a cab arrived in front of the gate and started driving it's way to the mall. The car stopped at the front of the mall's entrance, i immediately paid for the fare and bidding goodbye and thank you to the cab driver. Showing my small bag to the security guard by the entrance, i then went inside and walked straight to the supermarket. Seeing many people around, i just shuddered as a response as i am bad with these tons of crowd. After grabbing a supermarket cart, i then started picking up some potential food fingers, even choosing packs of fruits and dark chocolates. I was about to pick the last piece of piknik snack, but a young lady picked it fast before me and put it inside her basket. Stunned and disappointed at the same time, i can only pout and sigh since it was one of the perfect finger food for me.

" excuse me, uh do you want this ? I saw you earlier that you were about to reach for the last one but someone picked it up first.  I feel bad so i don't mind sharing you one of mine, if  you don't mind also.", i glanced at the guy on my right side, offering one piece of piknik while scratching his nape with his other hand. Somehow a stranger offered his piknik? Is there such a human who would do such thing? Perhaps with motive? But i am fairly average as a woman. A stranger doing things to me like this seems to have activated my anxiety. I kept gulping as i feel nauseous when i saw some people passing by looking at us. The thoughts inside my head kept going on and on that the guy must've noticed the distortion of my face.

" Uh hi, i'm Noah. I am not a bad person promise. i just saw you wanting this piknik and uh that lady earlier picked it first before you can even react and reach for it. I just wanted to share this one, look i can show you my I.D ", his frantic face and panicked hands made me laugh lightly, but then i felt a hand over my shoulder, making me turn my head only to see it was William.

" Hey i'm sorry it took quite long. Let me push the cart for you. and uh Everything okay? ", William took the cart from me with a smile, i tapped his cheek lightly with a smile since when i saw his face the nauseous feeling stopped, making me feel calm as usual. " Thank you Zeev, good thing you saw me right away since i haven't checked my phone at all, and Oh he is Noah. Piknik went out of stock earlier since one lady grabbed the last one right before me and you know how much i love that right? So when he saw me that i didn't get to have one, he is offering me one of his because he has 3 in his cart." I saw Noah slightly bowing his head still holding the piknik, and turning my head to see William did a slight bow too.

"Ofcourse i kept checking the alleys of the supermarket and i spotted you right away, and oh, Thank you bro, she really loves it and i too would feel bad if i saw her not getting the food she wanted. I appreciate you offering that one. Are you sure that it's okay ? we can always try another mall", I nodded at william's words, we can always check the other mall.

" No, i insist. You can take it okay ? I have to go and buy other things", Seeing that he is truly eager, i accepted the Piknik and waved goodbye to him. William then patten my head lightly, " If one isn't enough, let's buy another one at the next mall ", hearing his concern about my food, i couldn't help but laugh saying there is no need to buy another one.

We then continued buying things and afterwards paying for everything. We also decided to have lunch at a fast-food place, also bought another set of books and some phone accessories. The day ended successfully for the two of us, he also sent me home as per usual. Him telling me to call tomorrow for a FaceTime since he too would be reading a book like i planned to do so.

The next day, I saw Mom preparing breakfast at the table when i went outside, thus hinting me it's time to eat already. After breakfast, I saw my Dad preparing plenty of meat to be grilled for dinner later in the evening and my mom marinating chicken for lunch. I excused myself after washing the dishes and went inside the room, calling William through FaceTime. A sound was heard while i was preparing my books, meaning he accepted the call and i turned around to see him waving his book while sitting down on his gaming chair.

" Have you had breakfast already Zeev?. "
" Yeah i did, you know i do like bacons "
" I like that too, let's try and buy some bacons next time and cook it "
" Good idea. I'll visit there by then "
" You really should. Now let's start reading okay? and you can play any background songs as per usual "
" Okay boss. Classical music it is "

His last remark made me laugh, nodding to him as an agreement. We then started reading in silent with the classical music as our background song. Enjoying the peaceful day, we too excuse each other whenever it is lunch time and dinner time, but not ending the call that we had, not until it's time to sleep, ending the beautiful and relaxing day.

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