Chapter 15 : Roxy and Miggy

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Disclaimer : not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. bare with me. thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Roxy's POV

Rolling around the bed, staring at my ceiling for the entire day and just listening to the background noise of the television, i decided that i shall go to the bar later at night to at least have fun.

Yesterday with the group was fun except for the situation between Miggy and me.

I heard a gentle knock on the door followed by the voice of manang, the elder who cleans for us.

" Roxy iha? Your older brother said you should go to the bar later, at that one branch in the other city. There's also food ready for you here if you are hungry already. "

i perked my head up and smiled widely, coincidence that my older brother wants me to be there, i don't mind if it's by the next city, as long as it's the bar.

I jumped out of the bed and opened the door,

" got it manang. thank you and eat your lunch too okay? i'll be out in a minute. ",

Manang smiled and walked away, leaving me dazed by the doorway.

After a few seconds of spacing out of boredom, i closed the door and fixed my bed, folding my blankets and even arranging my table beside the bed.

After arranging the room, i grabbed my phone and walked my way to the dining table wherein i saw Manang preparing the table.

I looked around and saw our family picture, wherein i can see the warm smiles of my parents.

" Are you still sad, iha? That's understandable; it's normal. I just know that they are proud of you right now because you will graduate soon.",

I looked at manang and then smiled sadly at her, moving my way to the portrait and rubbed my thumb on it.

" I'm fine now manang. it's been 10 years already, i'm thankful Kuya is there for me. ",

I shot manang a bright smile then went to the table and grabbed a chair to sit down on. I started eating as soon as manang is done preparing everything, i also told her to eat with me and to call the cook to eat with us, which also complied and did eat with me.

We talked about the house's situation if there are needed to be fixed or groceries to buy and everything they need, they all said they listed it down and gonna show it to me later since they already told my brother about it.

Right after finishing our meal, we proceeded to discuss the list they made for the house. I gladly gave them my card for the grocery and they both decided to go out later.

Satisfied with the discussion, i excused myself and went to my room to check the status of our family's business.

My brother handles the managing for now since i still haven't graduated and he thinks i might get tired if do hands-on but we both agreed that even while studying, i have the right to check over the reports sent to him by the managing personnel.

I went out for a bit to grab a cup of coffee and started reading the reports, which took me a few hours as i list down my questions for the employees.

Upon checking the date for today, i realized that today is the schedule for the monthly meeting of the managing team and i am included in every meeting.

Must be the reason why my brother told me to be at one of the bar we own.

Fixing the notepad and ballpoint , i shove it on my bag as i stood up to take a bath and prepare for the meeting later.

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