Chapter 8

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Disclaimer : not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. bare with me. thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Kierra's POV

Relaxing comfortably inside my room after dinner, i heard a knock on my door and my mom peeking at me carefully, " Do you have a friend named Min, kierra? She is waiting outside the door asking for you. ", jolting out my bed in shock, i opened my window and really saw Min standing outside the main door, looking as serious as ever.

" She is uh my bestfriend Mom, I'll go talk to her. ", hearing that she is really my friend, mom wants me to invite her in and offer her snacks. The thought itself isn't really bad so i thought i might as well ask Min if she wants to. I got out of the room, my mom behind me with a friendly smile and opened the main door. " Heya min! Fancy seeing you here. Weird that you haven't told me you were coming and uh did you ate already? ", Min looked at me seriously like she has tons of things to say, her gaze turned to my side wherein she can see my mom smiling at her. " Dear, why don't you come inside? Did you ate dinner already?", Mom gently asked her with a smile, Min smiled back while bowing, " Good evening again,Mrs. Solon, uh i have to politely refuse going inside since i want to talk to kierra here and it won't take long. I promise, we won't go far", That earned me a confused look,
'where would we be going at this hour?', I looked at my Mom who was smiling and nodding, " Sure go ahead. Just be careful girls. " I nodded at my mom and went out after grabbing a long coat behind the door. Min only waved goodbye to my mom while thanking her. I followed her all the way to her car which is parked in front of our house.

" Get in Kierra ", Min's voice sounds so serious that it worries me. I did as what she told, comfortably sitting down on the passenger seat. She then went inside her car, then faced me with her serious face.

" If you succeed that day, how many days would it be now? ", her question caught me off guard, confused and guilty at the same time. Wondering if she means what i think she means. I smiled at her like usual, " What are you talking about Min? What succeed? days? ", she clenched her hands on the driving wheel, sighing while looking at the front.

" You think i'm that stupid Kierra Medea Solon? You think i wouldn't find my way to know things when it comes to you? And since when did i tell you things that made you regret telling me anything? for God's sake i didn't mean it that way. I just thought you were joking around because you were left behind by your parents on a vacation.", she snapped while looking at me with a teary eyes. I panicked, waving my hand in front of her face, cussing a bit since she looks like she's gonna bawl anytime soon.

" Why did you hide it? Why didn't you tell me?! I told you i'm here for you. What do you want me to do? Cry only in front of your fucking tomb?! In your fucking funeral?! Goddamn it Kierra. ", She pointed her forefinger to my chest, her angry face showing while sniffing her nose. I feel guilty, but i'm thinking how she knew about it. I am trying to calm her down while trying to think how she would even know about anything especially about what she meant by her question.

" Wait, i will tell you but can i ask you how did you come up with everything? ", Min changed her position, now facing me fully. I looked at her eagerly, waiting for her answer. She took out her phone, showing me her recent dialed call, showing her other number.

" My other phone is inside your bag, kierra. I put it inside with an active call when you acted weird when we were at the park. I thought you were acting suspicious earlier at the park but  you went even more suspicious in front of the bulletin board. And yes, the phone is still inside your bag and i am here to get it after this damn conversation.", I stared at her, moving my tongue on my inside cheek, sighing in defeat.

" But it's not enough information, you were just suspicious. I acted out unlike the normal me but i know it's not enough. ", She then grinned at me and showed me a text, more likely her text to William asking him to meet her.

" I sort of  wanted him tell me a few things. He was so stubborn you know. No matter how much i threaten him, he won't spill a single thing. But he only told me these, to ask you if how many days would it be now if you succeeded that day and i am not that much of an idiot not to realize what he meant.", I ruffled my bangs out after her declaration, thanking William inside my head for hiding the crucial things even if he is cornered by the even more stubborn Min. Looking straight to Min's teary eyes, I unknowingly hugged her, making her head rest on my shoulder.

" To answer your question, it has been a month or so i guess. That's when me and william got closer to each other since uh he was the one who found me, eventually stopping me. I'm surprised you actually asked him right away. I'm sorry for not sharing it. I got a lot of things inside my mind that i don't know how to tell you or if i really should. ", Min started sobbing silently, hugging me back in return. Feeling guilty, i couldn't say anything else, tongue tied on the sudden event.

" One month, it would've been a month now that i won't be able to see you, tease you, hug you and seeing you laugh. Is that why you weren't going with us before? Is that why you were avoiding us for a while? ", I recalled rejecting their every attempt to make me join their coffee or even hanging out offer. Come to think of it, i did started hanging out with them after that day we went to drink coffee.

Gently pushing Min away, looking at her gently with a small smile, " I am not gonna deny it, i do feel guilty about not going with you girls. I just had many things in mind. I am tired faking my smiles, i am tired laughing all the time when inside my heart it feels suffocating. I didn't know what to think after that failed night, i don't know if i was having a dream and what if i can't touch you all anymore since i'm a spirit already. I am tired Min, freakin tired ".

Min stared at my face, looking hurt after hearing my words then wiping her eyes and cheeks. " I don't even know what you truly feel, i don't know who you really are, You are always with your public face huh. I understand but please lean on me. If you're tired, rest with me, we can go on a drive out there, at the mountain? sea? anywhere so just please, i am begging you don't die. Don't you dare die. I will take you away from everyone and elope with you, i'm not joking if it means that i can see you still everyday. ",

I couldn't help but laugh at her declaration, pinching her puffy cheeks while nodding my head. " To be honest, i haven't felt too bad like before the past weeks. So, don't worry okay? and if anything happens, we can just elope like you want. ", my own words earned me another set of laugh, finding her words amusing and sweet at the same time.

" Fine, but you won't tell me why you are acting like that? why you decided to do it? ", her question made me smile apologetically, i shook my head a little. " Not now Min, but one day, when i get over things and probably feel better than i do now. It might do me bad if i recall everything. ", i shot a small laugh, scratching my arm with a shy smile. Min only nodded as she understands what i mean, then i wiped her face and told her i will get her phone inside the house.

Mom is waiting by the living room while watching television, as i opened the door. She quickly asked me if Min went home already. I told her she is still outside and was about to go home since her dad already called her before coming to our house. Mom only nodded, reminding me that we will be off to my grandmas after an hour. I went inside the room and checked the pockets of my bag to get the phone, after that i went outside again to her car and saw Min checking her eyes. Going inside the car, i gave her phone while checking her eyes, " why did you have to cry, good thing your eyes isn't really red. You haven't eaten dinner right? your dad must be furious now. ", she flicked my forehead while looking grumpy, " The hell? why wouldn't i cry? are you stupid?! anyway i didn't cry much since i know my dad is waiting for me. I can always cry a lot later before going to bed. ", she shot me a grin, making me think whether she is telling the truth to make me feel guilty or just her usual teasing.

" Fine fine. Go ahead now or your dad will flip out even more. I will be going to my grandma's hometown later. Take care on your way home alright?. Text me when you get home. ", she just shrugged and then hugged me one last time, shoving me gently to get out of her car. " Text me too when you get there. You better do that or else i'm the one who's gonna flip out. ", I just laughed at her little blackmail, just nodding as my response while waving my hand after i close the door, watching her start the car and drive away.

' Is it okay to tell someone? is it okay to see them cry? but won't they cry when i die? what difference would it make? I don't know, i am still feeling complicated but all i know is that i haven't been suicidal the past weeks.'

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