Chapter 19 : Epilogue

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Disclaimer : not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. bare with me. thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Min's POV

It's been a few days now after the death of William and Kierra.

I haven't been back to the apartment because i am afraid i would breakdown once again upon seeing her things inside.

I still couldn't believe she left me despite promising me to never leave me, i have to admit it wasn't their intention but she left me still.


A few days ago Alex suddenly called me in the middle of my discussion with my Dad.

He dropped the news while he was crying, sniffing while talking. I felt my whole world crumble as he delivered the news.

I cried, i told my Dad to drive me to Kierra's place. I begged him while kneeling.

Despite not knowing what actually happened, he drove me to Kierra's place.

Alex sent me the address right after he ended the call earlier.

When we got to the address, i saw people circling around the cautioned place. Rescuers trying to get the car below.

I looked around and saw Alex sitting under a tree, hugging his knees while crying. I excused from my Dad and run towards him,

" A-alex? what happened? how did this happen?! they were happy and excited for this! Why are they dead now?! ",

i shook his shoulder, my tears falling down as i shouted at him.

" M-Min, i don't know. I didn't know everything. I went out with Noah when something happened inside the house. If only i was there! if only i was there i could've prevented them to go out! I lost Kierra, Min! I lost the cousin i wanted to take care and protect! ",

Alex broke down even more, punching the soil beside him.

I wiped my eyes and stood up, walking my way to the edge of the barrier to check on the car. But i stopped midway when i saw people bringing William up while covering his body with a white cloth.

My tears fell down again, remembering the happy face of William days ago. His smile, his jokes, his playful personality in front of Kierra and me.

My knees soften when another body was being lifted after William. A body covered in white cloth again but i know who that is, i know the owner of that body.

Her arm is out of the stretcher and i can see the bracelet that i gave her a week ago, my promise bracelet for her that i will be with her forever.

I cried as i sat down on the soil, wailing for the truth that i will never see her smile again.

' i wish i went with you! i could've taken care of you! why did you leave me! '

Dad rushed to hug me and lift me up, he made me sat down on the barrier, hugging me and rubbing my back, hushing me.

I looked around and saw Kierra's Mom, crying while looking at her body. And i can see another lady crying in front of William's body.

I pushed my dad away, walking towards the crying ladies.

" Something happened there right, tita? Did you cause this?! Alex told me something happened at the house that made them go out and drive away! What the fuck happened?! is it not enough that they suffered mentally and emotionally all their lives?! Why is it that it has to end this way? of them being dead?! why?! ",

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