Chapter 13 : Ryo and Rhee

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Disclaimer: not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. Bear with me. Thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Rhee's POV

Today is the day for me and Ryo to go on a date. My friends are busy with their lives today; I wonder how Kierra is doing too. Anyway, I heard a message tone from my phone, and as I glanced at the lockscreen, I couldn't help but smile since it's Ryo who texted me. I opened the message that says he is on his way to the house already, and I replied to him, telling him I am ready already.

"Iha anak, you have a date today with Ryo?", I saw my dad standing in front of the fridge. I rushed towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

"Yes, dad, and also, he said he is bringing that fish you love so much. He actually had his dad pack those fish up as soon as it arrived by the bay. "Dad smiled at me, kissing the top of my head.

"That boy sure is nice, and I'm excited for that. I would grill it, so make sure you two will be home by dinner, okay? "Nodding at my father's request, we heard our doorbell ring; probably Ryo had already arrived. Taking off my hug, I rushed to the door and opened it. There we saw a smiling Ryo with a big fish container by his side.

"Uh, hi love, is your dad there?", After a few seconds, my dad talked behind me, making me move sideways so he could see the container.

" Iho! that is one big container! are you sure your dad is fine with this? it might disrupt business. "
"No, Tito, Dad even told me that this is my dowry, so your daughter won't leave me. I just told him why would she leave when I'm this handsome?", Hearing his boasting made me and Dad laugh. Dad can only tap his shoulder while laughing.
"Not like I am against you two, Iho. That's the spirit! Have courage; that's what I did with her mom. "Dad and Ryo did a fist bump, which made me cover my face in embarrassment.

"What's going on here? Oh, Ryo, iho. Going out with Rhee? ", Dad straightened up and pointed the big container like a child. Mom smiled at my dad and looked at Ryo.

"Yes, Tita, Rhee and I are going out for a bit. We'll be back before dinner though. ", I excused myself to get my bag and phone inside the room, checking my face in front of the mirror and fixing my glasses and hair.

"Ate, can you buy me a pen when you go to the mall? The usual pen, please?", By the reflection of the mirror, I saw my younger brother Ren looking at me by the door.

"Sure sweetie, anything else? "I turned my head and looked at him. "Nothing else ate; I just ran out of pen. Take care, okay? Text me when he does something bad to you. "Chuckling at what he said, I walked towards him and gave him a hug. "He can never do that or else he would be beaten up by me. You know your ate", My younger brother, who is a bit taller than me, chuckled and nodded.

We both walked towards the main door, where mom, dad, and Ryo were talking. Dad is picking up the container, and Mom is telling us to make sure to be home before dinner since Dad will grill the fish. I nodded and walked towards Ryo, who was smiling like an idiot. I can only shake my head in amusement.

"Hey Ryo, please make sure my older sister returns home safely. If I notice that she has wounds or scratches, or even if I observe her crying or having swollen eyes, I might not let you go home without bruises. ", Mom tapped my brother's shoulder, laughing.

Ryo, on the other hand, is nodding like a child, repeating the words "yes, I will". His cuteness never ceased to amaze me.

Clinging my arm on Ryo's, we bid our goodbyes to my family. We were walking our way to his car parked in front of our gate. We went inside and started driving our way to the mall.

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