Chapter 17

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Disclaimer : not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. bare with me. thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Kierra's POV

I have been staying with Min in her apartment for weeks now. I sometimes message my parents asking them how they are as an obligation as i am their daughter.

William sometimes come in our place with foods, most of the time it's groceries.

One time Min went out early as she was called by her dad for the discussion of her upcoming appointment in their company, leaving me and William inside the apartment.

I brought out a couple piece of paper and ballpoints for me and william.

He looked at me puzzled at first but he remembered that i did told him when i was moving out that we should write a letter.

He then sat down on the floor by the living room and rested his arms on the table.

" What's gonna be our content in the letter? ",

I rested my head on the sofa as i sat down on the floor, gazing at the ceiling.

" You know before, i said i wanted to go to the Neverland right?",

I looked at him with a serious eyes and a small smile.


I was standing by the edge of the rooftop, watching the city lights in front of me.

Sipping every last drop of the liquor i am holding. I squatted by the platform under the railing, a single step can lead me to fall down immediately.

As i squatted down, i heaved a deep sigh, watching the beautiful bright moon up above. Realizing that i am witnessing the full moon moments before i die made me tear up, holding my chest as i started sobbing hard.

" Mom.. Dad.. why? i want you to be proud of me. I want to be taken care of by you with love. Am i just an obligation to be raised at? why mom. Why am i being left all the time inside the house and you two can go anywhere else. Why is it that i suffer like this?. Ever since i was young you treat me like this. Even when i told you about that creepy guy, you ignored me, you fucking ignored me even if i heard him clearly how he planned to ravage me. I was young back then. I am your only daughter. why?! am i a disappointment to you that i became your goddamn daughter? why can't i control my emotions anymore. Why do i hate myself for feeling worthless even if you trained me to be strong. What kind of human am i?! Please. You turned me into this and i hate it. I hate not knowing what to say and do, or even what to goddamn think. Even if i say something, it's wrong and bad, if i don't say something, i am wrong and bad again! what the fuck am i supposed to do and say!",

i cried hard, sobbing while i fully sat down on the platform, hugging my knees.

All of a sudden i was pulled up by a man, him holding my waist as he pull me out of the platform, making me sit on the rooftop floor.

I panicked and stared at the guy who pulled me, only for me to see a guy i am familiar with.

The guy whom i kept stealing glances whenever i can ever since i started studying in the university.

He is wearing a black hoodie and a black sweatpants, also wearing a black sneakers.

He looked at me and squatted down,

" Kierra? What the hell are you doing there? Are you drunk? what if you fell down?! ",

i stared at him still, stunned by the spun of moment. He kept waving his hand in front of me as i space out, he then pinched my nose as he got impatient. I jolted and immediately covered my face, cursing inside as i am in utterly embarrassing moment.

To NeverlandΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα