Chapter 14 : Kat and Nikolo

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Disclaimer: not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. Bear with me. Thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Nikolo's POV

I am here a few meters near Kat's house, inside my car, with my hands gripping the steering wheel. Not knowing what to do, getting embarrassed and nervous at the same time.

After a few minutes of being a coward and pressing the doorbell, I started the engine of my car and decided to go home and try again next time. But before I could even hit the gas, Kat got out of the gate while holding an eco-bag. She was looking around. I gulped and decided to come out of the car.

Kat looked at me as soon as she spotted me stepping out of my car.

Fixing my polo and watch, I walked towards her while gulping and waving my hand awkwardly.

Kat waved back with a smile too, making me smile even wider. " Niko, what are you doing here? You had prior appointments here? friends?", 

Kat looked around and then looked at me with a confused face. I gulped again, inhaled, and exhaled deeply before answering her.

"Uh no, not really. I mean, I was about to go somewhere but canceled it. Anyway, where are you going? I can drive you there. ", Kat flinched at my words, then I saw her grip tightly on her eco-bag.

"No, I mean, I might be disturbing you. I'll just go to the mall to buy groceries since my personal fridge is empty."

I waved my hands frantically, smiling at her.

"No, no, you're not disturbing me at all. Can i come along? it might be heavy. I have free time. ",

I can hear myself screaming internally, shouting how proud I am of myself for my words.

Kat looked at me, contemplating, but then she smiled shyly.  Well, then, if you insist, let's go. ", 

I secretly did a victory pose as soon as she walked in front of me. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear for this chance.

But then I hardened my face before she could see me with an idiotic face and opened the door for Kat. She thanked me as soon as she sat down, which made my heart leap in joy.

I ran towards the driver's seat and got inside, holding my chest, which was beating loudly.

' She is inside my car. My first love is inside my damn car! I can die already. Oh, wait, no, man up, Niko! impress her. '

I started driving our way to the mall, which is only a few minutes away from her house. I opened the aux of my car, and I panicked when a Taylor Swift song, You Belong With Me, started playing. "

"I was about to defend myself, but Kat started singing along.

" I love taylor's songs, and this song is really nice. you like taylor too? ", 

I felt my heart beating loud again, making me stutter in replying.

 " u-uh, y-yeah, especially that song. i am not against women's songs. ",

I saw in my peripheral vision that Kat smiled but then covered her mouth with her hand. I can only give a small smile, feeling victorious for no reason.

We arrived in the mall's parking lot and made our way to the supermarket. Insisting that I push the cart, Kat only sighed in defeat since I was too stubborn to push the cart for her.

She started choosing the foods she listed on her phone, and I realized that she is oblivious to her surroundings when she buys things.

Sometimes I catch a can almost falling down after she grabs one can in front, and she almost hits the cart of the other person, so I have to gently pull her arm, making her look at me shyly.

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