Chapter 10

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Disclaimer : not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. bare with me. thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Kierra's POV

We arrived here in my paternal grandma's place late in the evening, yet i am seeing my grandma and aunts waiting inside the house. We greeted them one by one, also towards my younger cousins. Realizing that it's late in the evening already, we all decided to sleep and continue the talk tomorrow for the older people needs to rest already. Going straight to my room, i texted William and Min that i arrived here already. It's not far from the city but it still feels really close with nature. After receiving their replies, i laid down and succumbed myself to sleep.

Waking up hearing a little bit of a loud noise outside, i figured it's the relatives who are starting to cook food. I scratched my face a bit as i sat on my bed, checking the time on my phone. Receiving a text from William who is apparently gonna hang out with the boys. I only replied to tell him to have fun and be careful. But a couple seconds later, i received a text from Min telling me she's gonna hang out with William's friends and the girls.

' hmm, good thing they are hanging out. Ryo and Rhee probably will tell them that they are official already since i observed them to be in that relationship already. And Kat should be able to spend time with her crush Nikolo, but i can't say if Roxy will be fine, the grudge of that girl over Miggy. ', i only smiled and texted Min to have fun with the rest of the group.

A few little knocks on my door made me flinch a bit, i then breathed deeply and told the person who is knocking to open the door. Upon opening, i saw a younger cousin looking at me with a smile, " Big sister, Do you want to go out? Stroll at the seaside?", I smiled at the girl, her name is Camille i think.

" Sure sure. Let me just change my clothes and let's eat breakfast okay? did you ate breakfast already?", as i was standing up out of the bed, fixing the blanket and the pillows. " No, big sis. Mom told me to wait till you wake up. I thought you are still asleep when i knocked the door. ", I quickly went to the cr of my room and wore my bra. " No, I just woke up at that time Cam, let's go now and eat. ", Camille then opened the door and went out before me while i was grabbing my phone out of the bedside table.

I saw some relatives inside the house and even outside the house preparing a lot of meats and ingredients. Only then i realized that it is the birthday of my Grandmother. I looked around to check if grandma is there but i heard one of my aunts said that grandma is currently at the church. Since i couldn't greet her yet, i told Camille to eat together with me, enjoying the breakfast they prepared.

After eating breakfast and washing the dishes, we decided to go out and explore the sea just a few walks away of our backyard. Seeing some people swimming at the sea, some even playing volleyball and some trying to relax and chill under the shade of the trees.

As we walk through the sandy beach, i saw a familiar person watching at me intently that gave me a shiver. It's the person whom i fear the most in my entire life, for his eyes are full of lust. I pretended i didn't notice him, i just pointed at the sea and tried talking to Camille. When i saw that the guy is now walking towards us, my entire being is screaming to get out and ran away but i can't leave the kid behind. When he was a few meters away from us, i heard a loud voice of a man calling me.

" Kierra?! You're here ?! since when? ", i turned around and saw one of my cousins, Alex, walking towards me. I also saw him looking at the guy who was about to approach me, making him stop on his steps and walking back to where he was at earlier.

" We arrived here last night, i just woke up and Camille here offered me to walk around the seaside after eating breakfast. How are you here? ", I felt relieved that he came before that old guy to even approach me. My heart wouldn't stop beating hard as soon as i saw that face.

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