Chapter 7

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Disclaimer : not perfectly edited. bound to have grammatical errors. bare with me. thank you.
- @Dawngayle_

Kierra's POV

We are currently hanging out at the park with the girls and Noah with his friends. As far as i know it was Noah who contacted Min whenever he wanted to hang out. Apparently after the arcade and lunch hang-out the other day, they exchanged contacts to be able to reach out with each other.

" What's wrong? Are you bored already?", i heard Min talking to me, more like a whisper now since the others are getting louder than usual. I rested my head on Min's shoulder and played with her fingers. "No, i'm fine. I'm just waiting for our last class for today. ", hearing that i am fine, Min just rested her head on top of mine with a smile. They talked and talked about the school and graduation stuffs, only then we knew that Noah and his friends are graduating too like us. I just shut my eyes off while listening to them.

After a few minutes, i heard a girl talking loudly behind me, since we are close to the steep concrete road. " Mom! You always reprimand me that i can't do anything right, even my old brothers thinks like that too. I am old enough now, for once just let me do what i want. And that is staying away from that house ", i flinched when i heard that, i felt Min moved and talking to me but i couldn't hear her since my mind is having jumbled thoughts. My mom, My dad, My relatives, My cousins, My grandparents. I feel like my head is starting to ache accompanied by my shallow breathing, when i opened my eyes i saw Noah looking at me with a worried face. I felt my face being turned to face Min, " Kie? are you okay? you look pale. are you sick? ", Min's worried voice snapped me out of the trance, making my face go back to the usual public face with a smile while wiping my sweat. " No, i just thought it was hot, you know me when it gets hot. ", Min is looking at me seriously, looking like she doesn't believe me at all. I looked around and saw that the girl who was talking earlier is quite ahead already.

" Here's water Medi, i bought one when i was on my way here. " I heard William's soft voice, making me turn my head to face him. He was smiling at me like he knows what happened. He probably saw me earlier, i accepted the water with a smile, " Thanks Zeev. Come here, sit with us ". After telling William to sit beside me, then i realized how quiet it is around us. The girls looking at me, even Noah and his friends. It is making me nauseous when i get this much awkward attention.

" Hey guys, did you know there's this new snack bar place by the boulevard? Tons of street foods there." , William broke out the silent atmosphere, making the others cough in embarrassment. They all shared their thoughts about it, but i can feel Min being silent by my side. I just rested my head again onto her shoulder, making her sigh and somehow joined their food discussion.

Finally, the time for our last class is near so we have to go to our classroom already. We bid goodbyes to the other boys and walked our way to our college building. As we walk along the hallways between the buildings, we saw an article posted on the bulletin board, showing a news of a woman committed suicide days ago. Reading the article made my palm sweat, making me shove it inside my pant's pocket, hiding the shivering hand. I tried to act disinterested, but i felt William's chest on my back, somehow comforting my now shattered mind.

" I feel bad for her, she doesn't have anyone to tell her problems to? Condolences to her family. ", Kat's solemn voice made me look at the girls one by one, Would they feel sad if i was the one in the article? If that day was successful? Would they feel bad? Would they feel guilty for not doing anything for me?

" Let's just hope there's no one else who would do that. Come on, let's go to our class now ", Roxy's voice woke our ass off, reminding us that class will almost start now. We then walked fast on our way to our classroom, going inside and quickly settled in our respective seats. I happened to sit beside William during this class.

" Sometimes it confuses us whether they truly share sentiments or they only said words for a lip service. We never know whether they will truly be there for us or it was just our expectation. I saw you earlier, i know what you are thinking, but you didn't saw how Min was staring at you from behind after reading that article. She knew something doesn't she?", William talked to me in a low voice, enough that i am the only one who can hear it.

Understanding what he said, it made me look at Min, who is currently busy with her phone, typing something while having her earphones plugged in. I can only sigh, for i remember opening up to her few years ago but got called dramatic instead which made me stop opening up to her again.

I just looked at William with a smile, " I told her a few things years ago, but it didn't end well. I don't want to risk it again, for now we just let them be. ", my words seemed to made William look at Min and shrugged, looking defeated with no other retorts to say.

The class ended with glee since it's the last day of the week, each students having a plan for their weekends.
I immediately tapped William's arm, making him turn to face me.

" I'm going to my paternal lola's house later tonight. We will be back by sunday evening. We can't hang out during weekends or do book marathon. ", I shot William an apologetic smile wherein he just rustled my head lightly. He then took out his phone and flashed a smile, " Just text me the fun things there. ", I just laughed lightly with his answer, he offered me a ride home since he doesn't have anywhere to go. As we both stood up, we saw Min still sitting down while looking at her phone. Yet the other girls are waving goodbye to me already, telling me they're gonna hang out with Noah and his friends. I contemplated whether to talk to Min what's wrong or be oblivious about it, i fear that she would ask me something i didn't want to answer.

Before i could even decide, she stood up and started going out of the classroom. She didn't even look back to say goodbye to me. Weirdly enough, she doesn't do that at all.

" Looks like she is catching on to something, but she couldn't believe if it's real or not. ", i heard William clicking his tongue while giving me a side glance like he knows something i don't. I didn't want to push things with her that might become a huge explosion of arguments.

" Let's just go Zeev. I'll buy you nuggets and ice cream since you are talking a lot today ", I walked past him with a smile that made him follow me with a defeated sigh. We walked our way to the car, driving our way home after buying what i said earlier.


While Kierra was oblivious and haven't checked the pockets of her bag the entire time she was talking to william, she didn't notice that ever since they were still at the park, there was a phone inside one of the pockets with an active call which ended a few seconds ago, with a name " Min's Other Number " on the screen earlier during the call. Apparently a second phone of Min Costa. Kierra's Bestfriend.

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