Chapter 18

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Y/N's POV Longer chapter

I wake up as I hear Shawn walking around and my head immediately starts hurting.Fuck I'm so hungover.I sit up slowly holding onto my head and Shawn turns around from his kitchen counter and smiles at me.

"Good morning buddy.You feeling better?"He asks and my head starts hurting even more when the events of last night pass trough my head.

"My head feels like it will blow up any second now."I say and get up off the couch groaning.

"Go brush your teeth and I will prepare you a painkiller and a glass of water."He says and I smile this boy is a literal angel.

"Ah I love Canadians."I say over dramatically and he throws a orange at me."Ouch!Not very Canadian of you" I say and rush to the bathroom,but I don't miss his laughter in the kitchen.I look at myself in the mirror and cringe,messy hair,tear-stained face and ruined makeup.I brush my teeth then clean up my face from all the makeup and finally brush my hair tying it up and walking to the kitchen.I sit down on the barstool he had in the kitchen and quickly drink the painkiller he left for me and he turns around serving me some protein pancakes and a smoothie."Thank you Shawnie boy.Did I cry last night?I dont really remember anything after sitting in the Uber."I say and he nods.

"You walked trough my door sobbing and throwing yourself into my arms for a hug.You told me what happened with Lauren and Camila and then you searched my house for any alcohol I had.Made me drink with ya even though I just pretended I was drinking and finally you crashed on the couch and fell asleep."He says and I rub the back of my neck.

"Im sorry.I was really a mess last night."I say and he shrugs.

"Don't worry about it buddy I'm just glad you didn't throw up or break anything."He says and I chuckle and start eating.After I finish eating I look trough my backpack for something to change into considering I just slept in the skirt and crop top I was wearing last night and it had some alcohol stains on it but all I had in the backpack was pajamas and I couldn't go home in that.I borrowed Shawn's shirt and he found me some of my shorts I left here a while ago which he forgot about until now.I hugged and kissed Shawn on the cheek then got into the Uber.I turn on my phone because drunk me decided to turn it off last night and I see about fifty missed calls from both Camila and Lauren.I just put my phone into my pocket and groan rubbing my temples this will be terrible.I knock on the doors of our apartment and Camila opens the door.I walk past her and I see Lauren drinking a tea sitting down on the kitchen counter and she perks up when she sees me.I put down my backpack on the couch and Camila walks up to me with crossed arms.

"Who's clothes are that?"She asks with a harsh tone and I raise my eyebrows chuckling.

"Why do you care?" I ask and Lauren gets off the counter and walks up to us.

"Just answer Y/N.Where were you last night?"Lauren and and I shake my head in disbelief.

"Why?You think I fucked with someone last night?Like you two probably did.Its Shawn's clothes and no he didn't fuck me but maybe he should have railed the fuck out of me I don't think he would have slept with my ex after though."I say now glaring at Camila because she was the one who was much more accusative when it came to this.

"You're such an asshole sometimes!"Camila exclaims while Lauren just quietly swears in Spanish.

"Oh I'm the asshole?!"I say and Camila chuckles bitterly.

"You think we fucked?Neither of us slept the whole night!We were trying to get you on the phone and everyone I asked if you were with them said that you weren't!I even called Shawn but he wasn't answering so I thought he was just sleeping.You turned off your fucking phone!I thought y-you did something to yourself!"Camila breaks down crying on the last sentance and my anger calms down and I frown at what she said."Y-You don't j-just do th-at!Tur-n off your fucking p-phone when I-I don't k-know where you are!"She says now her breathing getting messed up and Lauren goes to get her some water whilst I pull her in for a hug and she starts slapping my chest crying hysterically and I just pull her closer to me holding her whispering apologies and comforting words to her.I sit down on the couch and she settles on my lap still very much hyperventilating and I hold her hands.I do breathing exercises with her and after a few minutes her breathing calms down.Lauren hands her the water and I sigh.As she's done with the water Lauren puts away the cup and then Lauren comes up to me and slaps me.

"Jesus fucking Christ Lauren!"I exclaim holding onto my cheek and she glares at me.

"I thought something happened to you!Do that one more time and I will beat your ass before you can even walk out of the apartment. You think this is the first panic attack she had?This her fifth one since you left and I've just been calming her down constantly all while I was panicking too!No matter what we fight about you dont just leave without telling us where you're going!"She says and I nod.

"I'm sorry to you too,I'll say where I'm going the next time." I say and they both nod and Lauren runs her hand trough her hair then sits down on couch that Camila and me were on too."So yall ready to tell me the truth now because I don't have the strength to fight anymore just tell me what's going on and let's see what we will do."I say and Camilas hold on my hand tightens and I know that she is nervous.Lauren let's out a sigh and then straightens up her posture.

"So after you left we talked about it and we figured some stuff out.First we have to admit that before the going out we were texting and it wasn't anything wrong maybe five messages in total were even a bit flirty but we were just talking.And then when we were at the club to be honest looking at the way you and Camila were interacting was doing something to me.At first I thought I was just jealous because I obviously still have feelings for you but then I realized that if I had the chance I would get inbetween both and just kiss yall.That ofcourse already confused me."She stops and looks at Camila so she can tell her part.

"And as for me as Lauren and me were texting I was getting more and more happy with the idea that she's in our lives.So then when we went out while you and me were dancing I saw the way Lauren was looking at us and that look that she was giving us gave me the same thoughts that she had.Obviously we both knew those thoughts were wrong but as we got more and more drunk the urge to do it just became stronger.Hunter pulled you away and then it was just the two of us we started dancing more than friendly and then we just went to the bathroom and started making out.Now last night when we talked we realized that at some point in time we did both have a crush on eachother.Lauren had it on me before she met you and I had it on both you and her before yall got into a relationship.We then talked about everything that already happened and we realized that those feelings might still be around but we also both grow really strong feelings for you and obviously love you."Camila finishes and my brain felt like it was going to explode.

"I-I don't get it,what are yall trying to say?"I ask literally the most confused I've ever been in my life."A-are you breaking up with me?"I ask Camila my voice breaking and her eyes widen as she shakes her head.She cups my cheeks and pecks my lips and a small sigh of relief comes out of my mouth as she moves away.

"No babe you got this wrong."Camila says and then looks at Lauren for her to continue and Lauren clears her throat and plays with her rings.Shes nervous?She always does that when she's really nervous.

"What we are trying to say is that obviously I have feelings for both Camila and you.Camila has feelings for both you and me.And you have feelings for the both of us unless something has changed in the meantime...which would make this really awkward.So as we talked last night both Camila and me agreed that we would be more than open to having a relationship that involves all three of us.Now the only thing is what is your opinion on this?If you're against it we totally get it and we can just continue as it was up until now and Camila and me will never do what we did again."Lauren finishes and my heart was beating out of my chest at this point.

"Y/N?"Camila tries to get my attention and I realize that I was just quietly in my thoughts for a whole minute.

"Oh sorry.So if we did that we would all be living together and stuff?" I ask and they nod."And we're all together in a relationship like with eachother?"I ask and once again they nod."I mean I don't get why I wouldn't be down to do that.Yall should have just talked to me about it not do what you did last night. " I say and Lauren let's out a breath that she was holding and Camila grins.

"Sorry babe we couldn't figure it out until that happend...So we all agree that we date eachother from now on?"Camila asks and all three of us nod.Damn I expected a lot of things to happen but not this.

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