Chapter 1

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"I still can't believe you said that to him"I said laughing while walking down the hallway with my best friend Hunter.

"Well that idiot was testing me"He said annoyed

"He is still our teacher"I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever"He rolled his eyes.

"S-"I started,but was cut off by a familiar pair of lips crashing into mine.I wrapped my arms around Lauren's waist and she deepened the kiss.She moved away smiling.

"Hey babe"She said and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Hi"I said and we continued talking on our way to class.I sat down next to Camila since Hunter and Lauren had a different class."Hey Camzi"I said and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Y/N/N.Wanna come over to my house?"She asked and I nodded working on a song in my notebook."Oh let me see"Camila said and took my notebook,I chuckled."Its good Y/L/N"She said and I thanked her.Camila and I both loved music and we hangout all the time and play guitar and sing.The teacher walked in and I started paying attention to the class.

After school...

I was playing the guitar as Camila sang her part of the song we wrote together.

"Dimming the light,here in the dark,going by feel.Only the moon to guide"She sang and then it was my turn,in the middle of me singing Camila stopped me.

"Camzi what the hell?"I asked annoyed.

"Look we sing really good and are a really good duet.Why don't we start uploading our songs on youtube?"She asked me and I shrugged."We should do it"She said with a grin.

"Whatever you want"I said and she go up and got a camera."Wait you meant like right now?"I asked and she nodded."This better be worth it"I said and we started recording.

A year later...

And it was worth it.I ran out on stage with Camila as crowd erupted.You see after we started posting covers we started blowing up and our current manager saw the video and we got signed.We were now on tour with some other artists and had bunch of fans,it was amazing.I do miss my family and Lauren,but at least I got to bring Hunter with me and I have Camila next to me all the time.If you are wondering why I brought Hunter on tour instead of Lauren well that's because Lauren wanted to stay and focus on school,which I respect I just miss her a lot. 

"What's up Portland you ready to have some fun?!"I yelled into the mic and the crowd cheered.

"That's what we like to hear"Camila said and we started doing our show,doing Never be the same first.After we finished our show we went of the stage and Camila and me high fived.We changed ito our regular clothes and went into our bus we shared with everyone who preformed with Camila and me.I sat in the front lounge and took out my phone.I took a photo and posted it on insta.When I posted it my phone started ringing and I answered it.

"Hey baby"I said with a smile

"Hey babe.How was the show?"She asked and I grinned.

"It was amazing,the crowd was great"I said while getting up to get myself some water from the fridge."How was school?"I asked while taking a sip of water

"Bad"She said and I stopped drinking.

"What?Who do I have to kill?"I asked pissed and she giggled.

"You aren't in Miami"She said 

"That's what planes are for babe.Now tell me why was it bad?"I asked and Hunter came up to me.He showed me a blunt and pointed to the door and I nodded.

"Cause you weren't there"She said and I frowned.I went in front of the bus with Hunter and started smoking the blunt.

"Im sorry baby.I miss you too a lot,I wish you were here with me"I said while leaning on the bus.

"Yeah me too,but I need to finish school"She said and I sigh.

"It's okay I get it"I said and my phone started beeping signalling I have another call."Hey baby,I have another call I'll call ya after I finish with it.Okay?"I asked

"Okay"She said and I hung up,answering the other call who was my manager.

"Y/N I heard you had a great show today"He said and I smiled.

"Yes,we killed it"I said while taking another hit.

"That's what I like to hear,but that's not the reason I called ya.You know Austin Mahone?"He asked and I rolled my eyes.I didn't really know that guy,but he kept on trying to hit on Camila after she said no and he annoyed me,he is also on tour with us.

"Yes"I said.

"Well we need you to date him for PR."He said and I groaned.

"You already made me hide my relationship with Lauren and now you want me to do this too?"I asked in still a normal tone cause he was my manager after all.

"It's what's the best for you Y/N"He said and I ran a hand trough my hair."You in?"He asked me and I sighed.

"Lauren is not gonna be a fan of this and I am not too,but whatever.Tell me what I will need to do"I said and he told me everything we should do and I knew Lauren and I were gonna fight about this,but I ain't gonna tell her anything cause we will really start doing this in a month or so till then just some tweets and stuff.

"You okay?"Hunter asked me.

"I have to date Austin for PR"I said and he shook his head.

"Lauren is gonna flip out"He said and I nodded.We got called in the bus cause we needed to go.I went into my bunk and called Lauren.I didn't tell her anything.We stayed talking until 2 AM then went to sleep.

A/N:I did that thing in the start just so you know how you got famous and explained everything to you.Get ready for this book its gonna be an emotional ride.Love ya stay strong

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