Chapter 3

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I was walking down the street with the dorito boy and we got caught by paparazzi.We stopped to talk to them,he took my hand and I acted like I wasn't bothered by it on camera.

"What are you guys doing together?"One of the guys asked

"Oh we were just going to get lunch"I said with a smile,which wasn't real at all.

"Y/N what do you think about Austin?"The other guy asked me and I smiled,again not real.

"I think he is a great guy and an awesome artist"I mentally slapped myself at what I said.

"Are you guys dating?"A woman asked us and there was a stab trough my heart,cause I knew this wasn't gonna go well.

"If we weren't would I be able to do this?"Austin said and cupped my cheeks,pulling me into a kiss,which I pretended to like.We pulled away and I put on a fake smile for the cameras.

"We will take that as a yes."They said and soon we walked back to the bus.He went to his bus and I got into mine.I sat down on the couch running a hand trough my hair.

"Y/N it's all over the internet"Hunter said walking into the front lounge with Camila.I frowned and Camila sat next to me pulling me into a hug.My phone started ringing and I gulped when I saw the ID...Lauren.

"I need to go speak to her."I said and walked into the back lounge to find it luckily empty."H-hey babe"I said as I sat down.

"Hey babe?That's all you have to say after what I just saw?"She asked her voice breaking at the end obvious she has been crying.My heart sank.

"Lauren I swear its not real.The management wants us to do the PR."I said and she sighed.

"Ever since you went on this tour our relationship has been messed up!How am I suppose to continue this?!"She started yelling and tears made its way down my face.

"Lauren Im try-"I started,but she cut me off.

"Will you stop saying the same thing over and over again?!You've been saying that ever since you left!"She says I sigh.

"Well maybe if you came on the tour,we wouldn't have to go trough all of this!"I said more tears streaming down my face.

"You are suppose to support my decision to finish school!"She yells 

"Lauren ju-"

"No!Don't even try and tell me what to do!Im done with this Y/N!"She says with a sob and I let out a heart wrenching one as well,I couldn't even reply I just felt my heart break." done...a-aren't you suppose to say something to try and talk me put of this?"She asked in a weak voice and I let out another sob.

"A-are you s-sure?"I say in a even weaker voice.There was silence on the other line,before I heard her voice again.

"...Yes...I can't do this anymore Y/N...Goodbye"She said and hang up.I put my phone down and put my head in my hands sobbing.

"Y/N can I come in?"I heard Camila ask and I got up opening the door for her."Come here"She said when she saw how broken I was.I went into her hug and cried in her arms."Did she...?"She asked not saying it all and I nodded."Im sorry Y/N"She said and hugged her tighter.   

"I really loved her Camzi"I say with tears streaming down my face.

"I know sweetie,I remember how much you talked about her when you had a crush on her"She says and I burry my face into her neck as memories flash in my mind.


"Camzi but she is so pretty,she would never date me"I whined while laying in Camila's bed and she rolled her eyes.

"You only told me that a thousand times and she would date you everyone in the school wants you"She says and I smirk at her,she blushes and shakes her head chuckling."Stop it,I didn't mean me"She says and I laugh.

"Whatever you say,but she's probably straight anyways"I say and Camila groans.

Tomorrow at school..

I was sitting at my usual lunch table when Lauren walked by smiling at me.

"Hi Y/N"She says and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"H-hi Laur"I say stuttering and Camila groans.

"Lauren this idiot likes you and I can't listen to her whining about you.She would like to take you on a date,do you wanna?"Camila asks and my eyes widen.

"Yeah sure.Pick me up at six tonight cutie"She says and writes me her adress,she kisses my cheek when she gives it to me and I just stay wordless.

End of flashback..

"Come on lets go to my bunk and you try to calm down"She says and I nod.Camila hold me in her arms and I just sigh.Im gonna miss her so fucking much...

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