Chapter 14

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Camila's POV

She sits down too and looks down at the ground avoiding my gaze.

"When did it start?"I ask in a soft tone and she fidgets with her finger as her heavy breathing fills the room,I was sure she is pretty much on the verge of a panic attack which is why I don't wanna pressure her too much.

"I-umm remember that day when we met up with those fans in the caffee?"She asks and I nod."Lol-Lauren sent me umm a message on instagram while we were there and then we started talking and then that night when I told you I was sleeping over at Hunters I ...we um did it and then started"She says and a tear rolls down my cheek which I quickly wipe away.It has been going on for that long?"I-I wanted to stop it multiple times..but I just couldn't"She says and I run my hand trough my hair.

"W-why?"My voice breaks as tears start pouring out.

"Im stupid"She starts playing with the bandage on her right hand and I straighten up my posture a bit.

"Do you still love her?"I ask and she finally looks at me,I see a river of  tears streaming down her face and her eyes were red and puffy from crying as her chest quickly moves  up and down ,then a heart wrenching sob rips out of her mouth.

"I-I don't know Camz"She says and I bite my lip shaking my head as more tears now freely roll down my cheeks."B-but I do love you"She says and I look at her eyes and I knew she wasn't lying,but what am I supposed to do now?She sits in my lap and puts her head on my chest."P-please Camzi don't leave..I-I need you"She says ,her breathing out of control by now and I wrap a arm around her waist while the other one rubs her back.

"It's okay calm down shh"I whisper soothing words in her ear and she continues to sob and fight for air but doesn't make a move to get off me.

"I-I can't!"She panics and I cup her cheeks caressing the,she looks at my eyes and I give her a comforting smile."It's okay baby,Im right here Im not going anywhere.Please calm down okay"I say and she grips on my shirt tightly."Come on breathe with me"I do breathing exercises with her and eventually she starts breathing normally.

"Thank you Camzi"She says and I nod.

"By the way wanna tell me what happened with your hand?But for real this time"I say and she nods.

"I was angry at myself after I came back from Lauren and I saw my reflection in the mirror and before I knew it my hand was bleeding"She says and my heart breaks even more.I was right about the fact that she's feeling guilty.

"Don't ever do that again.Let's get some sleep now okay?And we will continue this in the morning"I say and she nods.She strips off her clothes and slides into the bed next to me.I pull her close to me and she relaxes in my arms.

"Im sorry Ca-"

"Sleep baby"I interrupt her and she lets out a quiet okay.A few minutes later her body relaxes completely and her soft breaths crash against my neck,as I stay up for some time just thinking about everything.What do I do?The thoughts are cut off when I finally fall asleep.I wake up as the sun shines over my face and I rub my eyes.I feel weight on me and I see Y/N's head resting on my chest,her wounded hand wrapped around my waist and her leg thrown over mine.I let out a sigh and a sad smile plays on my lips as I run my fingers trough the younger girls hair.I see the y/e/c orbs appear under her heavy lids and she groans a bit moving her hand up to hold her head."Good morning hungover ass"I say and she looks up at me only then do I notice her eyes were still red and Im once again reminded of last night.

"Good morning Camzi"She mumbles putting her head back on my chest and looking trough the big window in our room that hosted a amazing view of the busy city.We stay in the bed for a while before finally getting up and doing our morning routines and then meeting each other in the kitchen for a coffee which Y/N makes and quickly drinks some advil with water before serving the coffee's."So umm what did you decide?"She asks looking down  as she looks at the coffee n her hands as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"I want you to ask Lauren if she would be able to catch a coffee with us today to talk about all of this.We know each other for a while now anyways don't we?"I say and Y/N's head snaps up as she gulps.

"Okay"She mumbles and I smile slightly,well that went better than expected.I knew the task I've given her was more than awkward for her to do,but she still complied.Maybe this ends good after all. 

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