Chapter 15

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We walk into a cafe we agreed to meet up in and I see Lauren already sitting in our booth.Camila grabs my hand and gives me a comforting smile,I nod and walk over to the booth sitting in front of Lauren and Camila sits down next to me.

"Hi"She says with a nervous chuckle and I look down at the table.

"Hi Lauren.Did you order anything?"Camila asks wrapping her hand around my waist in a protective manner and I look at Lauren to see her looking at Camila's action with a amused smile.

"Ehm yeah I ordered for Y/N and me,I didn't know what you like so.."Lauren says now looking at Camila and I feel Camila's hold on my waist tighten a bit.Camila just gives her a formal nod as the waiter comes with Lauren's and mine order and Camila orders for herself.

"So..."Camila starts and I just sip on my drink starring at the hard glares they were giving each other."Why did you text my girlfriend?"Camila asks and Lauren raises an eyebrow.

"Cause I wanted to see her"She shrugs and Camila chuckles.

"And get into her pants too?"Camila asks and I almost choke on my drink,they both look at me as a mumble a quick apology.

"I didn't force her to do anything she didn't want to do,right Y/N?"Lauren asks and their gaze fixes on me.

"She didn't"I say and Camila sighs nodding.

"You knew she was in a relationship with me tho,didn't you think it was wrong that you're doing that with my girlfriend?"She asks and Lauren leans in her seat.

"I did think it was wrong...but I wanted to do it.I missed her..I never stopped loving her"Lauren says and my heart aches and I look up to meet her gaze,she gives me a quick smile then looks back at Camila."I don't know how she feels about me,but I know she loves you ... a lot actually.I did feel bad,I knew I was hurting all three but I needed her.I kept making this cute little dates.."She chuckles "but she never showed a lot of emotions..she never called me anything she used to before,Im guessing she didn't wanna get bonded.And Im sorry to the both..but I can't stop loving her"Lauren says with a sigh and takes a sip of her drink looking down at the table.Camila looks at me with tears in her eyes then clears her throat.

"And what do you  have to say Y/N?You've been weirdly quiet"Camila says and I shrug.

"Everything Lauren said was true and I...I don't know what to do.I love both of you and I obviously can't have"I say and they nod. "I don't wanna breakup with you.."I say to Camila and she smiles."And I don't want you out of my life either"I say to Lauren and she gives me a sad smile.

"Well I don't mind all of us being friends?"Camila says kinda unsure and Lauren nods.

"Sure Im down"I smile and nod too.

"I would love that"I say and kiss Camila's cheek.

"Okay let's catch up"Camila says to Lauren and they talk about everything thats happened since they last saw each other.

A/N:Short one but here you go:)Loeva ya stay safe

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