Chapter Two

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Soleen Roy

Soleen looked at the list of things she needed for her classes and sighed. She was running out of money and the last of it would be used for her books. She made a mental note to do some job hunting before classes started.

She sat in the library looking through her books. Her professors already uploaded there syllabus, and she wanted to be ahead.

After countless of hours studying her stomach cried for help. She sighed and counted her cash, she had just enough for a meal. She pulled out her phone looking for a near by cafe.

Once she found one she grabbed her bag and left the library. She walked the chilly streets of Seoul and smiled. She felt free away from her parents and her past life.

She walked into the cafe and was greeted.

"Um hi, welcome."

"I speak Korean." Soleen smiled.

The lady laughed and looked at Soleen.

"I'm sorry, not most foreigners are fluent." She said.

"It's okay, I understand." Soleen said.

"Thank you, I'm Lee Kumiko." She said holding her hand out.

"Soleen Roy." Soleen said shaking her hand.

"So-Leen?" She asked.

Soleen nodded.

"Yes it means flower garden." Soleen said.

Kumiko smiled.

"That's pretty, what can I get you?" She asked.

Soleen looked at the menu.

"Um can I get an Americano and the sandwich combo." She said.

Kumiko nodded.

"Cash, card or mobile?" She asked.

"Cash." Soleen said handing her the money.

Kumiko gave the order to another worker and watched as Soleen sat down. She walked over and sat beside her, Soleen looked at her.

"What are you visiting for?" She asked.

"College, I'm studying business." Soleen said.

"Oh business not bad, what do you want to do?" She asked.

"If I tell you don't look at me weird." Soleen said.

"I promise I won't." She said.

"Ok, I want to open a sex toy company." Soleen said.

"You know that's a great idea, it's not many in Korea. Is your business going to be here or the states?" Kumiko asked interested.

"I don't know yet, sex in the United States is everywhere." Soleen said.

"Well where ever you decide to start I'll support you." She smiled.

Our Past | Kim Seokjin | Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora