Chapter Eighteen

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Soleen Roy

Soleen sat in her sexology class trying to pay attention. Her mind was not focus on anything today, thanks to drinking last night. Once class was dismissed she gathered her things.

"So you get a new look and decide not to speak to me huh?"

Soleen looked up and sighed.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, with work and studying. I've been busy and-" she stop and sighed.

"It's ok, I understand." He said.

"Thank you." She said.

"How was break?" He asked as they began walking.

"It was good until the very end." She said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Nothing, we can hang out tomorrow." She said.

"Sure." He said.

Soleen nodded and walked away. Jungkook watched her and sighed, she seemed different. Soleen stopped walking when she notice Seokjin and Ji-won walking together.

"Hey...Soleen." Yoongi said looking at her.

Soleen eyes began to water.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Yoongi followed her eyes and seen Seokjin holding Ji-Won hands. After all that he still wants to be with her.

"Why didn't I listen to you? W-why didn't you just slap the shit out of me?" She asked crying.

Yoongi sighed and covered her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her away.

"Let's go get something to eat, I'll call our broke best friends." He joked.

  Soleen didn't crack a smile or nothing she just nodded. They went to there normal hang out spot and a few minutes past and everyone was there.

"Hey hey." Kumiko said.

"Yoongi you texted 911 what happen?" Namjoon asked in a panic.

"Calm down everyone, something's wrong with Soleen." Yoongi explained.

Everyone looked at Soleen who just sat looking at nothing particular. She sighed and scratched her eyebrow.

"Seokjin dad has cancer...he suggest that him and I keep our distance for a few months. He doesn't want to stress his mother out." She explained.

Kumiko scuffed.

"Like she didn't stress you and him out. " Kumiko said folding her arms.

"I understand that he needs to stand up to his mother, but at the end of the day they are his parents. No one knows what it feels like to lose a parent." Namjoon said.

"I get it but keeping his distance from the women he loves and hanging out with a women he don't is stupid." Yoongi said.

"Yeah that's true." Hoseok said.

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