Chapter Three

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Soleen Roy

Soleen sipped her Americano as she looked at a frustrated Seokjin. It looked like he had a lot on his mind. He would often zone out and forget what she said.

"Seokjin." She said.

Seokjin looked at her, forgetting what she said once again.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"What's going on with you? Are you ok?" She asked.

Seokjin looked at her, he barely knew her yet she cared about what was going on with him.

"I'm fine just a little sleepy." He said.

Soleen could tell he was lying but didn't push the subject.

"Come on." She said.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"For a walk, come on." She said grabbing his hand.

Seokjin looked at her hand in his and felt butterflies. She dragged him out the cafe and began walking.

"When I'm sad or when something bothers me I write." She said.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked.

Soleen stopped walking and looked at him.

"There's clearly something on your mind, and we barely know one another. If you hold it in...then you would explode eventually." She shrugged.

Seokjin sighed.

"My parents are forcing me to get married." He blurted out.

"Oh shit." She said.

"We had a deal I'll go to school then get married. I don't even want to study business, I don't want to marry someone I don't know, I just don't want to live the life they want." He said.

"Feels good to get it off your chest huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, it does." He sighed.

"My parents wanted me to take over there church, I ran away." She said.

"Have you talked to them?" He asked.

"Of course not, I packed up my life and ran away to another country. They wanted me to take over a church I wanted to study business and sexology." She said.

Seokjin looked at her.

"Sexology?" He asked.

"Yes, in order to sell sex you need to know about sex. Other than the basics." She shrugged.

"That's brave to do what you want." He said.

"Yeah, it's pretty bad ass." She laughed.

Seokjin chuckled.

"Thanks for listening." He said.

"No problem." She said smiling.

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