Chapter Twenty-Four

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Soleen Roy

Soleen sat on her bed repeatedly shaking here leg anxious. Kumiko looked at her worried and sighed. Soleen heard her timer go off and immediately ran to the table.

"I can't look Miko." She said.

"I'll look ok, relax." Kumiko said.

Soleen sat down and placed her hands over her face. Kumiko read the test and closed her eyes. She kneeled down to Soleen's level and moved her hands.

"It's positive." She said.

"W-what? No no no no no." Soleen began to cry.

"Listen listen it's okay. It's fine, we can make this work ok. Once you tell Seokjin everything will be fine, he's rich anyway." Kumiko said rubbing her back.

Soleen cried harder, a baby? What was she supposed to do with a baby? She's 19 in another country, what about school she can't quit.

"My life is ruined." She cried harder.

Kumiko sighed and rubbed her back. Seokjin should've known better but so should Soleen. She was in sexology for Christ sakes.

"Seokjins going to leave me." She cried harder.

"No he isn't Soso, he loves you." Kumiko said.

A few hours past and Soleen couldn't cry anymore. She was pregnant and abortion was illegal in Korea. There was nothing she could do but keep the baby.

"You can go, I'm fine." She said.

"You sure?" Kumiko asked.

"I'm fine." Soleen said.

Kumiko nodded and gave Soleen a hug, she watched as Kumiko left and stood up looking at the pregnancy test. She had nine months to move off campus. She couldn't raise a baby in her dorm.

Her phone began ringing and she looked at it to see Seokjin. She sighed and answered the phone.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing just studying, what's up?" She asked.

"Can you meet me in the parking lot?" He asked.

Soleen looked at the time, it was 9 o'clock at night. Thank god the parking lot wasn't far.

"Why what's wrong?" She asked.

"We can talk about it when you get here." He said hanging up.

Soleen looked at the phone, Did he just hang up on her? She grabbed her jacket and walked to the door. She looked at the pregnancy test and grabbed it also.

She began walking to the parking lot with a lot on her mind. She seen Yoongi and stopped.

"Where are you going this late at night?" He asked.

"Seokjin wants to meet, but he wants to meet in the parking lot." She said.

"At this time of night? You want me to come with you?" He asked.

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