Chapter Seventeen

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Soleen Roy

  Soleen opened her eyes and immediately shut them. She felt a very familiar headache that she knew all to well. She sighed and sat up, she looked around noticing she wasn't in her dorm.

She stood up and noticed she had on someone's shirt.

"Please tell me I didn't have sex with anyone." She said trying to remember yesterdays events.

She walked out the room and looked around. The apartment was huge, it was more like a penthouse.

"Oh you're up."

Soleen turned around and squinted her eyes.

"Kim Taehyung, is this your house?" She asked.

"Yes...I didn't know which dorm you stayed in so I brought you here." He said sipping from his mug.

"Did we-"

"No, you got into some trouble last night but fainted because you were drunk. So when I brought you back your clothes were covered in filth. So I Uh washed you up and changed you." He said.

Soleen nodded and then gasp as she covered her body.

"Oh my god." She said.

"Don't worry about it, do you want breakfast?" He asked.

Soleen sighed and nodded. Kim Taehyung made them a quick breakfast and they sat down and ate.

"Why were you out so late last night?" He asked.

"I had a rough day, so I went out for some drinks I guess I had one to many." She said.

"How can you drink so irresponsibly?" He asked.

Soleen sighed as he continued scolding her.

"You could've been hurt Ms.Roy, and you're a foreigner anything could have happen to you." He said.

"I'm sorry, you're right." She said.

"I know, I'm investing Ten Million dollars to you. I can't afford for anything to happen to you." He said.

Soleen sighed.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Good, finish your food." He said.

Soleen sighed and continued eating. Taehyung glanced at her as he sipped his coffee curious.

"Why'd you go out drinking so late anyway?" He asked.

"I basically got dumped." She said.

"Stupid guy." He whispered looking at her.

"What?" She asked not hearing him.

"Nothing I have a meeting, there's clothes for you in the closet in the guest room." He said standing up.

"Wait clothes, it's impossible to find my size here." She said standing.

"I figured which is why it's custom made. The driver is in the lobby he will take you back to campus. Have a good day." He said leaving.

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