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S. O. S.

Sweet Home


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After Hyun-soo and Ae-cha had picked up the unconscious man, who they now knew as Yu-ri and Mr. Ahn lead them to their unit, away from the fire and monsters. The young woman had some experience with healing people and Ae-cha guessed she must have been a nurse or at least studying to become one. She was sitting on the floor in front of the couch where they had left the unconscious man.

Ae-cha and Hyun-soo were standing to the side like they always were when they met new people because they were infected and were scared to hurt anyone. And with their weird episode in the staircase, they needed to be more careful.

A loud groan was heard from the couch and they all turned to see that the man had woken up and was now trying to sit up. "I need to dress your wounds now," Yu-ri told him, holding gauze and disinfectant.

"I don't need that shit," The man growled, pushing her hands away before trying to get up. Yu-ri grabbed his arm but he roughly pushed her off and got up.

"Yes, you do," The young woman insisted. "Your bleeding has stopped but you're still injured," she explained but she was rudely ignored. They all watched as he staggered towards the door and left the apartment. "Is it okay to let him go like that?" Yu-ri asked Mr. Ahn who was sitting up against the wall.

"There's no need to worry about him. I bet he could take on a lion by himself," He said with a shake of his head.

Ae-cha started to get up, pulling Hyun-soo up too as she did, preparing to leave the apartment too because they could not waste much time anymore, they needed to get Mr. Han and the kids.

"Woah, slow down. You two are pretty hurt too," Yu-ri stopped them, grabbing the young girl's arm.

Hyun-soo very obviously covered his wound which they both knew was already healed because he was slowly turning into a monster. Blood was dripping down both of their necks from head wounds.

"I'm fine..." Hyun-soo stuttered out in a small voice, his eyes wide as he looked at Ae-cha who had taken a step away from Yu-ri, her own hand going to her wound.

"Move that hand. It'll get infected if you don't treat it," The young woman ordered, digging through her first aid kit.

"We can do it ourselves," Ae-cha assured her, pushing Hyun-soo back slightly with a hand on his stomach. "Give me the bandages,"

The crossbow was suddenly pointed straight at Hyun-soo's face. "Move that hand, pretty boy," Mr. Ahn ordered menacingly as the two teenagers took another step back. "You're turning, aren't you? Yu-ri, get away from them!" He barked.

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