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Selfish Bastards

Sweet Home


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When Hyun-soo got back to the first floor, he refused to let anyone near Ae-cha - even Yu-ri who wanted to check her head wound - because he knew that she would heal on her own rather quickly and the monster inside his head wanted no one near her. Eunhyuk had asked about her backpack and Hyun-soo had almost stabbed him out of anger, his eyes turning black but he had managed to calm down and tell him that he had been forced to leave it behind. He was now in the game center, sitting on the floor next to the cot he had placed a still unconscious Ae-cha on.

He was watching her, waiting for her to wake up, worry and guilt eating away at him. He had leaned his chin on the mattress next to her head, his fingers playing with her hair. He hated himself so much for letting himself lose control like this and putting her in danger by doing so.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and he moved his hand away from her hair quickly only for her to catch his hand and put it back where it was. He stared at her in confusion, feeling the tip of his ears turn bright red.

Ae-cha smiled sleepily up at him, loving the soothing feeling that travelled her whole body when he started playing with her hair again. "Are you okay?" Hyun-soo asked her, lifting his head up to tower over her a bit, his eyes searching hers.

She nodded her head, not feeling any pain when his fingers brushed her scalp where there previously was a deep and bloody wound. There was nothing left - no scar - except blood. "What happened?" She asked him, her voice hoarse and rough which made her clear her throat. She tried to push herself into a sitting position and he helped her quickly, grabbing her arm and pulling her up. She mumbled a small thanks before looking at him questioningly, waiting for his explanation.

"You passed out and I brought you here last night," He said and her eyebrows flew to her hairline. She looked at the dirty window across the room and saw that it was dark outside which meant-

"I was unconscious for 24 hours?" She asked him in surprise and he nodded.

"I'm really sorry I dragged you into this, Ae-cha," Hyun-soo apologized in a small voice, bending down until his forehead touched her knees, bringing his hands forward to clasp them together in a pleading manner.

Ae-cha smiled fondly at him, bringing her hand to his hair to smother down the messy strands. "It's alright," She assured him, making him look up at her.

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