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   He had left for the second time today. This time, Christian had followed him. I was left with Levi, completely speechless.

   "Arden..." he starts to say, then stops.

   "Did you know?" I ask.


   "Was it his idea?"


  He steps towards me, "After the bracelet, you were out for a couple days. Christian and I had to tell them of your arrival. Will, Andrews, the general, and the king were together. We wanted to tell just Will first, but..." he sighs, "He's our king Arden. It would be treason to hide something like this."

   "Then?" I ask him to go on.

   "Will's father knows everything that went on. Will had told him everything. They were furious. Their own plan was used on them. They were embarrassed. The penalty for treason is death. Same as your mother, same for you."

   "So I'm going to die."

  He whispers, "You're going to die."

   "In six days?"

   "Six days."

   "Do you blame me?" I whisper, "For her death? For his?" Gwen and Carter.

   "I don't know." He says, walking out of the room. "I don't know yet."

   Im left alone for the rest of the day, or night. I don't know the hours. But I assume it was day because what it felt like hours later, a man had come to drop off a meal and a bed.

   I spent hours laying down, looking up at the empty ceiling. Hours debating on what to do. I can't take my father down without them. I could maybe try to escape. But where would I go? There's no where I could go. Back to my father? Would he know of my execution? Would he try to save me if he did know?

   I spent hours questioning anything and everything. Did I want to die? I did that day on the cliff. At least I think I did. I knew I didn't have a choice then, but how about now?


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