chapter 2: unexpected revelation

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"come hadrian there are things you must know we shall return, ragnok" severus said ragnok nodded he was the only one to know that the document given to harry was falsified slightly

he placed his hand firmly on my shoulder and the next thing i felt myself pulled in through a tube much to small for him they appeared outside a very majestic looking castle

"come there is much to explain" severus said as he moved into the castle to find a beautiful thick dark red hair, and emerald eyes, she felt familiar and he also felt strange things towards her that he couldn't well explain

"harry, i am so so sorry you had to live with my sister for so long, i would have come to rescue you but for reasons which will be explained later, we needed to be separated" the woman said

"who are you" i asked not yet connecting the dots

"oh i'm your mother, though if you want you can just call me lily i haven't really been a part of your life as i should have been thanks to your father, and bloody voldemort" lily said

"wait your my mother lilith grindelwald" i asked she nodded

"yes harry as i am sure severus has told you, i took a love potion which caused me and your father to eventually get married what he didn't know was i took the potion willingly" lily said

"wait what" severus said

"i'm sorry sev, you are my best friend but, at the time both the rosencroft and grindelwald families were dying out i needed a pure-blood of high standing and the potter was always pursuing me i figured it was the best way, i didn't know at the time the potter and by extension the peverell lineage, the bastard didn't tell me until after i was pregnant he promised it wouldn't become a problem then he died and it became a problem" lily said

"what problem" i asked

"before you enter your forth year we'll talk" lily said

"for the tournament, in case it happens" severus asked lily nodded

"until then i and your godfather severus will be caring for you, at least until sirius decides to finally make his move cause when he does we have pettigrew" lily said severus nodded

"hey mom, oh he's here you didn't" the girl who just entered the sitting room trailed off

"harry this is your elder sister lucillia" lily said

"hey little bro" lily said

"i'm confused" i said

"it's because your male, i promise the reason will be explained before your forth year starts" lily said i nodded

"why then" i asked

"because of an event the ministry is setting up, for that year, they need a bit of time to make sure everything can be agreed upon and nothing can go wrong this time i won't say more as it's a bit of a surprise not even lucy knows" lily said i nodded

"has he claimed heirship" lily asked

"no but his list of heirships is long he will have many seats to fill" severus said

"that is good thing" lily said she looked at her best friend

"your not mad are you" she asked

"i'm not, i'm a little upset you couldn't at least tell me but, in the end it was my fault your family was targeted by the lord to begin with, and it's you who pulled the blacks out of their stupidity after the dark lords fall, bellatrix after her divorce even became an auror, and narcissa is very happy after divorcing lucius then again their relationship was never good anyway narcissa took her daughter leaving her son which gave lucius a heir therefore fulfilling the marriage contract technically" severus said

"i know i have done many things since my husbands death, the only good thing is i now have access to the potter vault" lily said

"you didn't like him did you" he asked

"of course not he was less of a pompous prick after we became adults but all the stuff he did at hogwarts i never forgave or forgot them especially what they did targeting you, it's why i put my foot down and told him we would be making you one of harry's godfathers, because i knew i could trust you, and you know what, while i hate the fact, harry now has the responsibilities he does, i am grateful you told voldemort about us because it did get that bastard killed, and the funny part he doesn't know i constantly drank a love potion he thinks i actually loved him" lily said

"then that is something i will take satisfaction in knowing" severus said

"so i can stay here right" i asked

"of course harry, what kind of silly question is that come here let's get to know each other" lily said i nodded and sat down on the couch my sister sitting next to me and we began to talk to one another

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