chapter 14: an ingenious idea

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the three friends were trying to return to class when the stair case decided now was a good time to move

"great" i said as we climbed it

"harry this is the third floor" hermione said

"well what do you expect me to do" i said as we entered the first door we found since we heard filch and we didn't want to deal with him and were met by a cerberus and an instrument playing to keep it asleep

"look" draco said and i saw the open trapdoor

"well let's go" i said my curiosity peeked as we walked to the door and found there was no real way down you just had to jump and pray

"uh guys the music stopped" draco said and i dreaded hearing that

"jump" i said as i jumped down the hole the other two quickly saw the cerberus had awoken and followed suit we ended up being captured into something

"devil snare" i asked

"i think so" she said

"lumos maxima" i said and immediately we fell

we traveled through the corridor nearly got impaled by skeleton keys that was fun

"now this is bloody stupid, uncle severus, you only give enough for one" i grumbled we had just completed the test involving potions

"harry, it's fine draco and i will stay here" hermione said

"are you sure" i asked she nodded

"find out what is so important that they need all of these blasted booby traps" she said i nodded and drank the potion and entered the flame to find professor quirrell

"professor" i said

"hello Mr. potter" he said

"may i ask what is so important that you need all these traps" i asked

"you do not know" he said

"this mirror is the key to finding the stone" he murmured decided to ignore the clueless boy

"what stone" i asked

"the philosopher's stone, you are the grandchild of grindelwald you must have aspirations for it since it can grant immortality" quirrell said

"i am afraid my blood will let me live a very long time long past what humans should i think it is unnecessary for me to search for such an object, why do you wish for it or is it simply because you want to live forever" i asked

"boy, you do not understand what is at stake" quirrell said

"use the boy" a voice said

"come potter, take a look in the mirror tell me what you see" he said i walked up to the mirror i was thinking in my head the stone would be a good object to study and to my surprise it appeared in my pocket

"huh that was, oh i get it" i said

"what is it what do you see how do i get the stone" quirrell said

"it is quite ingenious actually i wouldn't be surprised if this was the headmasters idea, how you receive the stone is simple you must want the stone but not wish to use it for example i simply wish to study it but not use it myself" i said as i pulled the stone from my pocket he glared at me

"give me the stone boy" he said

"nah, as i said i wish to study it see what other properties it may possess" i said

"let me speak with him, face to face" the voice said

"master you are not strong enough" quirrell said

"i have strength for this" he replied and quirrell dutifully turned around to have his back face me and he undid his turban to reveal his face

"hello voldemort, do you remember me" i asked

"i do, boy you were the one who made me this, but that is okay, all can be forgiven i can take you as my apprentice we can rule together, just give me the stone" voldemort said

"ah but first i want to thank you, it's thanks to your spell rebounding that i now have control over the house of slytherin i have control of three of the four houses" i said

"this is truly incredible, now the stone" voldemort said

"yeah how about no, you see your time has ended it is now my time to rise, i have a very similar plan to that of my grandfather though i intend to leave the muggles alone the magical society needs to change and you will not help" i said

"KILL HIM" voldemort said as he lost his patience quirrell turned and tried to grab my throat with the intent to strangle me only it didn't work how he hoped as his hands began to burn away

"huh you can't touch me interesting" i said

but as quirrell turned to dust voldemort in the shape of a ghost like form made his escape charging through me which was enough to knock me unconscious

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