chapter 6: the headmaster's meeting

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as everyone was led to their dorms professor snape had collected me and took me to the headmasters office upon arriving the professor knocked on the door

"come" we heard dumbledore say, and so we entered the room

"you wanted to see me headmaster" i asked my godfather directly behind

"ah yes, i did please come in, that is all severus unless you needed something" dumbledore asked

"i do it concerns harry" severus said he nodded though was surprised as the man always called the boy potter and showed great sustain towards him but not now for some reason

"alright come sit then harry" dumbledore said i did as he asked sitting in one of the two seats in front of his desk

"i didn't not know we were on first name basis professor" i said

"names are just what i wanted to talk with you about Mr. grindelwald" the professor said

"you see, i find your last name rather interesting, it reminds me of an old friend" dumbledore continued

"headmaster, if i came to your academy with voldemort's last name would we be having this same conversation" i asked

"i am curious though i didn't know your grandfather had children" dumbledore said

"i will handle that" severus said

"his mother lily, is the daughter of grindelwald she is alive and i can call her through your flew if you will allow it" severus said dumbledore's eyes widened

"please if you will" the old man said and he walked to the fireplace

"jilny is your mistress home" severus asked the house-elf

"of course master severus, shall jilny fetch the mistress" the house-elf asked

"yes do so" severus said

"is it time severus" a voice dumbledore very well recognized asked severus nodded

"very well excuse me i shall floo in" she said dumbledore drew his wand and unlocked the fireplace for use and their was a small explosion before she exited the fireplace

"lily but i" he said

"you thought we were dead you were supposed to, harry was used as the scapegoat for me and my daughter to escape, i then collected him and taught him a few things before he came here to hogwarts" lily said

"i see, is james alive as well" he asked

"thank god no, he isn't this means i can stop drinking that blasted love potion, and continue that facade" lily said he was confused so she explained it to him

"i-i see" dumbledore said what else was he to say

"there is more to it too, but harry is not old enough to learn yet, i'm sorry harry, but trust me you'll thank me for not knowing when you do learn, severus would you" lily asked severus nodded and escorted me from the room and to the slytherin common room

"now albus, there is much to discuss can i trust you" lily asked he nodded

"of course" he said

"good there are many things, then the first is sirius he is innocent, and i know who killed all those people it is the same one that ratted me and james out which is fitting since he is an unregistered rat animagus, but don't worry about that what you should actually worry about is harry himself, he is an incubus" lily said hearing that caused the old man to sigh

"spells have been cast on him so that side of him slumbers and wont be a problem but he won't get the benefits from it either" lily said

"i am beginning to see your point, when do you plan to unlock it" dumbledore asked

"during the triwizard tournament" lily said and dumbledore was confused

"why then" dumbledore asked

"because my son, is a target you and i both know it they will somehow get him into the tournament probably to off him i need him to be ready" lily said

"if it doesn't come and he isn't a part of a tournament, i will wait till he becomes of age, should what i fear occurs and when i release the spell on him, i will also be emancipating him" lily said

"i understand, things will be prepared for him then, in case the worst comes to pass, you will teach him to control that side of him" he asked

"of course i am already in contact with the delacours as we speak they remember their oath to my clan" lily said with a smile

"clan" he asked he had never heard a house be referred to as clan except by the japanese and no way is she one of them............right

"house business, you will know when you need to, unfortunately the bulk of harries training will have to wait until after he starts claiming his lordships" lily said dumbledore nodded

"severus told me he has a long lineage" dumbledore said

"that is an understatement anyway, when it does happen i ask for access to the castle for when my son may need me at that time" lily said dumbledore nodded

"you'll have it i'll find some excuse" dumbledore said

harry potter: the grey heirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora