chapter 25: WHY ME

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finally completing his training he got a little less then a month because the family were bit more focused on training they didn't go to the quidditch game then again after reading the daily prophet on the subject they were glad they didn't harry and hermione have become really close to the point they have started sleeping in the same bed together

hermione had prepared herself for when his incubus side had awakened because she would be the one to take his first giving him hers as well

arriving at hogwarts and hearing of the triwizard tournament came as a shock to everyone at the academy

"is this what mum was hiding that made this year so special" i asked myself mostly

the arrival of durmstrang and beauxbatons was met with huge grandeur as both school wanted to show off i immediately stole fleur who became a very good and very distant friend in the literal sense since she lived in 

"it has been too long, 'arry" she said

"this is my girlfriend, hermione granger"

"i'm also his prospective wife, for one of his houses it's a pleasure miss delacour he has spoke of you before" hermione said which was true harry had brought up the delacour family a couple of times before

"it is indeed a pleasure" she said

"please sit with us as heir of three of the four houses i am sure i can dictate where you can sit while we eat" i said she smiled

"then i shall take your offer" she said taking a seat besides hermione where she leaned in

"do you know" she whispered and hermione nodded which was good enough for fleur who of course new of harry's......other side we'll say" the goblet had been opened and fleur of course put her name and over a week passed before the headmaster spoke

"it is time our champions are chosen" dumbledore said as the goblet exploded slightly as sheat was ejected dumbledore grabbed it

"the champion of durmstrang, victor krum" dumbledore announced this surprised no one however cheers still erupted from the great hall anyway as victor entered the champions chamber to await his competitors

"champion of beauxbatons, fleur delacour" dumbledore announced this caused most of the other beauxbatons girls to actually start crying as she also entered the champions chamber

"champion for hogwarts, cedric diggory" dumbledore announced and of course hufflepuff cheered at that as he also entered the champions chamber and i lost all interest

"let us see what fun they bring us" i said

"now that our champions have been chosen i" dumbledore stopped as another name erupted from the goblet

"hadrian grindelwald" dumbledore said silence well except for one thing

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT" i said it was plain to see i was not happy at all

"Mr. grindelwald, would you please join us in the champions chamber" dumbledore said he could tell everyone could tell i was far from pleased

"must i, can i simply choose to say no" i asked

"i'm afraid you are now bound by magic itself you must compete" he said hearing those words made me want to strangle someone but i dutifully did as i was told

"harry why are you here" cedric asked

"somebody thought it'd be funny to put my name in the blasted goblet now i have no choice but to participate" i said they could tell i was not happy why would i want to participate in such a dangerous tournament, cedric would do a fine job bringing honor to hogwarts i didn't need the fame i was the fucking boy who lived and i didn't need the money i was loaded with that

"can you all believe it for the first time ever, the triwizard tournament is having four champions"  ludo bagman said

"yeah oh so fair for beauxbatons and durmstrang i'm sure" i grumbled

"how is this possible though 'arry is not of age" fleur asked

"someone put his name in the goblet against his will by how he has been acting" crouch said

"oh i am none to pleased, when the tournament was announced i thought it was such a good opportunity for me and my girlfriend to have time together nope i don't get my wish, instead i am having to risk my neck again at least the last times were my own fault this time is purely against my will, is there no way out of it" i asked fleur looked sympathetically at harry

"unfortunately not harry, as i said earlier you are bound by magic, however your mother though this may happen despite my best intentions, she has a plan not one i am fond of but at this moment it is for the best" dumbledore said

"oh and fill me in on this plan" i said

"i cannot i have already said too much the others aren't supposed to know as much of it is house secrets"  dumbledore said i sighed i should have known

"fine so mum is coming then" i asked

"no you are going home until the first task, there are things you will need to do, Mr. crouch, Mr. bagman this will very quickly become ministry business as well as he will be emancipated because of this new outcome" dumbledore said the two nodded

"so what does this mean of the tournament" victor asked

"it will continue with four champions i'm afraid" dumbledore said gravely it was clear neither he or harry liked this outcome

"very well then i shall explain each task will have special rules tomorrow you will receive the rules for the first task, the major rule for all tasks is that you cannot be helped by any school you represent, because you Mr. grindelwald technically are of a separate party entirely and are underage and are forced to participate you are an exception" bagman said they nodded it made sense and was only fair

"all the good it'll do me" i said still not happy he explained a few more things told us the first task will remain unknown until the day of which is oh so helpful

"grindelwald stick around there are things we need to discuss involving your participation, as i said your mother planned for this eventuality and because of this you will be emancipated as an adult and become the lord of your houses now, as apposed to when you become seventeen" dumbledore said i sighed but nodded

"when do i leave" i asked

"after you get your rules for you tasks Miss granger and Miss weasley will join you if they wish" dumbledore said i nodded hermione will come thankfully and i was dismissed after that

"well" hermione asked anxiously

"nothing can be done, tomorrow i am to be going home and returning before the first task" i said 

"i see" hermione said sadly

"hermione" i asked

"yes" she asked

"i know this is selfish of me, but would you come with me" i asked she smiled

"of course i will harry" she said and i smiled

harry potter: the grey heirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora