chapter 26: emancipation

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"hey ana i don't see you much except at home" i said she smiled

"i'm in a different house then you dumbass of course we don't see each other often" she said

"have you been recalled home too" i asked

"no though i have been excused from classes, so if something comes up i can rush home whenever" anastasia said

"well i'll be seeing you then" i said

"see you soon, little bro" she replied

me and hermione arrived at the headmaster's office to use his floo network packed and ready we entered to find the headmaster standing by the fireplace with a pot of powder in hand

"Mr. grindelwald, Miss granger, please come in, Mr, grindelwald i wish to inform you that upon your return you and depending on the situation Miss granger as well will both be pulled from the house of slytherin you will be give your own private sweat in the castle, as will all of the champions but you especially because of your emancipation" dumbledore said

"Mr. grindelwald, as the heir to the most ancient and noble house of black i wish to speak with you in the future, please come to my portrait at number 12 grimmauld place" phineas nigellus black

"i wish you luck, and i am dearly sorry harry" he said as i stepped into the fire and through the powder down

"PEVERELL CASTLE" i shouted and i was gone i found myself in the castle sitting room i stepped out of the fireplace dusted myself off and waited for hermione who appeared not long after

"let's go meet mum" i said she nodded she felt really sorry for harry and what he was about to learn

"harry" sirius said who met with us outside the sitting room

"she's waiting for us in her study" sirius said in a somber tone

"harry, welcome home, i am sorry this has happened, i knew it was a possibility even a probability but i had it wouldn't actually come to this" lily said

"when i become lord what will be expected of me" i asked her

"we will be starting with house black you will need to claim the house of black and potter first, before the others will accept you mostly the house of potter as it is as of now set as your main house it cannot be changed until you become lord" lily said

"each fertile member of the house of black will have to give themselves to you for to blood adopt and become head of the family" sirius said i didn't like the sound of that at all i needed confirmation

"what do you mean exactly when you say they give themselves to me" i asked

"you will have to sleep with them, andi, bella, cissy, and dora, cissy's daughter is part of the malfoy family so she isn't a requirement" she said i slumped in my seat hearing that and hermione was shocked she had been told of his incubus side but not this not that she remembers anyway

"what do i have to do for the potter family" i asked

"it's for both the potters, the peverells, and the rosencroft" she said

"first off i need to explain, harry your not human" she said i was confused upon hearing this

"what do you mean" i asked

"you are an incubus" she said and it hit me

"that's why you constantly had me studying on non-human races and stressed the incubus race" i said she nodded

"so why am i not craving to fuck every woman i see" i asked

"it's because of a spell your father cast onto you, it made you a slumbering incubus in essence a human in other words" she said

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