chapter 17: spies are useful

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the year started as it had in the last classes for harry were as usual easy and overall everything was going great there was one problem someone was claiming to be slytherins heir and causing trouble the unfortunate part is harry has an alibi since in one of the attacks harry was actually sitting in class with his peers so everyone knew it wasn't him

"if the chamber has been opened then it becomes my job to find it" i said in a real annoyed tone

"harry i think this may do with tom riddles diary" draco said

"what is it" i asked

"it was created by the second dark lord, and was in my fathers possession i was told he had deposited it with the youngest weasley in the hopes of undermining them" he said

"i see, well then it seems we must watch you miss weasley won't we" i asked the two nodded

because of the incidents that kept occurring however hagrid who was the one who supposedly opened the chamber of secrets last time was carted off to askaban with no solid proof or anything either just off to azkaban he goes

i was at least glad it wasn't anyone i cared about i had several slytherins tailing ginny weasley, and they had in fact seen her right in blood a very ominous message and a massive snake who petrified a cat

"so a basilisk hmm, let us go see the headmaster, before he is carted off as well" i said

we arrived at his office to find it open surprisingly and we walked up to find the minister and lucius malfoy of course

"professor i have eye witnesses that have seen what is attacking, and i have a theory as to how" i said

"go on Mr. grindelwald" dumbledore said

"it's a basilisk sir it always has been" i said

"a basilisk you say" dumbledore said i nodded

"it travels through our sewer system that is how it constantly gets through the academy" i said

"and who is controlling the basilisk to do this it is obviously controlled, otherwise why has it disappeared until now then shown up again" lucius asked

"well that is where things get complicated, a girl has been bewitched, it is either that or she has gone insane" i said

"do you have eye witnesses for this as well" he asked i nodded

"they watched her right the message in her own blood, but i won't say who in front of you two as you will jump to conclusions as you have with rubeus hagrid" i said

"very well it seems you have this well covered i don't see a reason for you to step down do you lucius" cornelius asked

"no minister i shall speak with the board, good day" he said

"sir" i asked

"yes boy" he asked

"how much would i have to pay to buy your house-elf" i asked

"you can have him" he snarled as he stormed off not happy

"dobby" i called

"harry potter sir is my new master" he said cheerfully

"i could set you free" i said

"no no sir that is unnecessary, dobby would be honored to serve master harry potter sir" dobby said happily

"head to peverell castle and tell my mother what has occured" i said

"at once master harry potter sir" dobby said as he disapparated

"so who is it" he asked

"ginny weasley" i said

"ah that is why you wanted to get rid of lucius yes he would take every opportunity" he said

"may i leave then" i asked

"yes go hunt for the chamber let me know what you find" dumbledore said he knew i was gonna do it with or without his permission

"let's go find ourselves the chamber" i said as my two friends followed behind

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