chapter 23: the end of the third year

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it only took a week before the news was all over the prophet, 'sirius black innocent all along', was the title on the front page as at sirius's trial he had been declared innocent of all crimes and man was sirius happy he moved into peverell castle and met my mother who was very pleased to see him if only to tell him to make me his official heir which he was all to obliged to do so i was the true heir to the house of black and no one could say a thing about it

me and hermione started dating to the surprise of absolutely no one and ginny had been sitting at our table at every meal chatting with us no one stopped her for when they tried at first the looks hermione gave them were all too deadly and they didn't want to anger lady slytherin for fear they angered the lord as well

classes after that also went off all three of us dropped divination it was a useless class with a useless teacher

and ginny herself i really started to like her something hermione noticed and wordlessly encouraged and by wordlessly i mean secretly telling ginny who continued ramping up her advances

by the end of the year i had almost asked ginny if she wanted to be resorted like hermione but ginny actually refused saying she liked gryffindor and invited the three of us to sit with her at their table which we accepted and so we would switch back and forth between the to tables

"as i am sure you all have no doubt heard by now, sirius black has been dubbed innocent by the ministry of magic because of this i have invited not one but two defense against the dark arts teachers and he shall be one of them, unfortunately professor lupin shall be stepping down from his teaching position" dumbledore said we felt kinda bad as lupin was a very good defense against the dark arts teacher

"with that i bid you all good bye and will see most of you again next year" dumbledore said his end of year speech concluded

as usual we boarded the train and when we disembarked we were met by jilny

"hey jilny" i said

"hello master grindelwald sir, jilny has come to take you home" jilny said

"let's go harry" hermione said

"hold on hermione, i want to do something first" i said she nodded and waited for me as i followed ginny

"hello to the weasleys" i said with a pleasant smile

"harry, guys this is my friend from school hadrian grindelwald" ginny said they flinched at the name

"you may also know me as harry james potter" i said and their eyes widened

"your him" the patriarch of the family asked i nodded

"yes gellert grindelwald is my grandfather on my mothers side, anyway i have come to invite your family to my home" i said

"when" the matriarch asked

"say a week from tomorrow, that will give you time to pack" i said

"how long would we stay" the patriarch asked

"however long you like there are things that need to be explained to you and i feel it best be done by my mother since she is explaining things even i don't know" i said

"why is this necessary" the matriarch asked

"hmm, your daughter is trying to pursue a relationship with me and she is succeeding, i won't say more until after you speak with my mother as you and her have a big decision to make, now if you will excuse me my girlfriend is waiting for me" i said as i bid them farewell and joined hermione draco had already found his father and left for home

"what did he mean girlfriend" molly asked

"harry has to have nine wives one for each of the houses he is taking over, i am hoping to be one of them" ginny said

"because he saved you" arthur asked

"i mean that is part of it but it's also the fact that i actually like him and want to be with him" ginny said they nodded

"well then it seems we are going to be visiting the grindelwalds" molly said as she grabbed her son ron and left for home to prepare for the occasion

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