chapter 27: entering a vault

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after that i had sirius take me to gringotts

"could you wait out here what i am doing is a surprise, and i don't need you spoiling it" i said he nodded i entered the big bank and walked to the head accountant

"name" the goblin said

"hadrian grindelwald i have never recieved the keys to my vault for being underage but now that i am a legal adult i would like to request them" i said the goblin put his quill down and went to fetch ragnok who seemed very pleased

"Mr. grindelwald we have just received the required documents, please follow me and i shall get your keys" he said i nodded he led me to his office left and returned with my keys

"Mr. grindelwald now that you are an adult there are a few things that need to be discussed" ragnok said

"we will need to schedule it for later now i am on a bit of a timer" i said he nodded

"very well, would you like to visit a vault heir grindelwald" he asked i nodded

"ravenclaw" i said he nodded and took me to the ravenclaw vault and i entered it half the vault was full of magic books but my eyes fell upon what i need a beautiful ring and next to it were wedding bands just what i wanted i grabbed them

"could you do a quick analysis on these take whatever the cost is from the potter vault" i said ragnok nodded and took them starting with the jeweled ring

"this is what is called an enhancement ring it enhances ones magic core and makes their spells more powerful when worn, and these two are storage rings they work similarly to extension charmed handbag it allows you to store things and this one has quite a lot of space you'd be able fit an entire castle building and all within just one of these" he said

"how do they work" i asked

"the enhancement ring is a passive ability the moment you put it on it just works, as for the storage rings you simply have to think of what you want to put inside" ragnok said

"is there anything in them now is there anyway to tell" he asked

"yes think it and it will give you a full preview of everything within only the owner may search in the ring or give permission for others to do so

"how do you know it's empty" i asked

"your mind will come up with nothing if there is nothing in them" he said i nodded

"hand me one" i said he did and concentrated but ended up with nothing i then traded one band for another and did the same and they were both empty good i took the three rings and pocketed them

"thank you ragnok i will return to go over whatever items are needed and explore the vaults in detail at a later date, i have questions regarding them that i will also ask then" i said

"of course Mr. grindelwald" he said as we boarded the cart and road to the surface

after that i left the bank and saw sirius waiting for me

"alright let's go home i have what i need" i said he nodded and we left

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