chapter 16: the second year begins

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as expected my mother began to teach me the basics while lucillia taught hermione training though was brutal neither of them took it easy on us at all to the point where i had several cuts all along my body they weren't deep or life threatening but they did draw quite a bit of blood and i had to be healed by jilny

"is this really necessary" i asked

"if you would fight back maybe you wouldn't have so many wounds" she said i sighed this happened every other day for me and every day for hermione the only reason why i got out of it was so mother could school me the akamitsu history and it's values

but you know i was grateful for the arrival of september the 1st i boarded the train with hermione and draco soon joined us

"so how was training" he asked

"hell" i said

"agreed, i have never felt so much pain before in my life" hermione said

"what kind of training was it" i asked

"physical" i said

"with swords real swords not the wooden ones but real metal and enchanted swords" i said

"it's more then a few enchantments hermione don't make him think false things" i said

"house secret" he asked i nodded

"yes but i don't want false ideas in someones head unless they were my enemies in which case" i said he nodded

"so ready for another year at hogwarts" draco asked

"YES" me and hermione shouted in unison

"anything is better then that training" hermione said i nodded in agreement

"i heard next year will be worse and the year after will be the hardest" i said

"great, i look forward to it, you know maybe i should back out" hermione said then she thought about it

"no i won't" hermione said almost immediately after her previous statement

"i don't know what my mother has told you but you are quite determined" i said she nodded

"you'll learn of it soon, just know i am doing my duty, and i will do my duty then too" she said i was confused by that but let it slide

mother would tell me when it was time i had faith in her

we arrived at hogwarts and followed the upperclassmen to the chariots where we mounted one and took it to the school upon our arrival we noticed our new defense against the dark arts teacher

"oh god" i said

"the fraud" draco agreed

"what are you two talking about" hermione said as she looked over at the man dreamily then snapped out of it almost immediately

"he isn't a fraud" hermione said

"i find it very very hard to believe that he did what his books say then again it makes sense now why that was on our list of supplies, i thought it was just some admirer, no it's that man himself how much do you want to bet he will teach us nothing of use" i asked

"i bet nothing since i agree on the matter, wanna ask uncle severus to fill in" draco asked

"yeah lets" i said nodding my head in agreement to punctuate my answer

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