chapter 11: lily's talk

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"that must be him" a voice said she sounded rather rushed as the door opened she looked rather rushed as well

"good evening Mrs. granger, i am not sure if you had been informed but i have invited your family to my estate per your daughters request" i said

"yes we have been informed sir" she said

"please call me harry, or hadrian, no need for formalities" i said

"yet you call me Mrs. granger" she said

"ah but i do not know your first name and if i did you are my senior, unless your my very stubborn mother i do respect my elders" i said smiling she looked confused but also smiled

"please come in and my name is natasha, and my husband is joseph" she said smiling

"it is of course a pleasure but may i ask why you look so disheveled if you need assistance packing i can summon a few more house-elves" i said with a smile

"no no dear that isn't necessary, hermione should be finished packing she upstairs second door to the right" natasha said as she gestured me inside

"i do not wish to intrude" i said

"oh not at all please come in" she said as i entered the house it was very pleasant and homey following the instructions i was given i found hermione most definitely not packed and ready she was rushing around the room when she saw me

"harry, i didn't know you would come personally" she said

"i figured it would be best if i did, i don't understand why you are rushing around so much, it isn't that big of a deal" i said

"harry this isn't a big deal to you maybe but to me and my family it means much what am i gonna wear for the party i don't have anything that fancy" she said

"first off in regards to the dress if you don't let my mother help you she will kill us both" i said with a chuckle

"you say that as if we are a couple" she said

"with my mother that is what she may want, she has been pushing me to start a relationship as quickly as possible, my lady of the house if you will" i said she blushed at that

"i don't want you to feel pressured, if you are uncomfortable just tell me i can go with my sister if i must" i said

"no i said i'd go and i will" she said i smiled she had calmed herself after that and returned to her usual calculative demeanor as she finished packing

"thanks harry i needed that i have been rushing around with the hopes of impressing you, when i don't need to your already my friend and i am grateful" she said i smiled

"always hermione shall we head downstairs" i said as i grabbed her suitcase

"you don't....." she stopped as i held up my hand

"it is a man's job" i said as i walked downstairs and watched as the two other grangers continued to panic

"are we ready" i asked as we all stood in the sitting room, after the parents finished packing and straightened themselves up

"yes Mr. grindelwald" he said

"as i told your wife that is not necessary call me harry or hadrian which every is your preference you are my seniors no reason for you to be so polite towards me Mr. granger" i said he nodded and smiled

"alright, elsy, jilny take us home" i told the elves jilny took my and hermione's hand with her and disapparated to peverell castle more specifically the sitting room

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