chapter 15: the end of year banquet

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"ah good morning, harry" dumbledore said

"good morning professor" i said

"i must thank you in dealing with quirrell even though i have been told it was only your curiosity that had you go down into that vault to begin with" dumbledore said

"i do apologize professor, we were not originally planning to go up there to begin with but when i saw the cerberus my curiosity did get the better of me" i said

"yes it seems when i have something i need to hide in hogwarts maybe not place it at the end of a randomly moving staircase" dumbledore chuckled

"i am glad you agree, we aren't in trouble are we" i asked

"considering you didn't go up there on purpose no you are not" dumbledore said smiling

"and draco and hermione" i asked

"they are perfectly fine though, madame  pompfrey has said no visitors besides me" dumbledore said i nodded

"i heard you are looking for the chamber of secrets" dumbledore said

"mostly again for my curiosity, i will also be looking for any secrets that ravenclaw and gryffindor left" i said

"what will you do with what you find" i asked

"depends on what it is if it is useful keep it obviously, if not i'll probably just leave it there for my descendent to find, one mans trash is anothers treasure and all that" i said he nodded it made sense

"very well then i shall leave you" dumbledore said

at the end of term feast me draco and hermione were celebrating the win of the house cup for slytherin with the extra points dumbledore decided to award the three of us we stomped any and all competition this year which made us very happy little bees

"harry" draco said

"hmm" i asked

"what do you plan to do this summer" draco asked

"i got no idea whatsoever probably train, mom said that i will be starting training on the most important house i will inherit" i said he nodded

"are you excited" he asked

"no i am worried, because i have heard of the house in question and it will change everything i know about magic entirely and to be honest i really don't want to deal with that" i said

"i'll also be joining in that training" hermione said

"mom invite you" i asked

"more like she ordered me to, she said i'd be training with lucillia though i heard your older sister has a jump start on me which make sense" hermione said

"well i wish you two luck then i get to deal with my father moan and groan that he doesn't have a woman he can fuck any more after mom left he has not been a very happy person" draco said

"well i would invite you to my place but mom said our training is to remain secret and only those of my family or my......oh i see what she is doing" i said and sighed

"what" draco said

"or my wives they can also of course learn my families techniques in fact it is expected of them by what i am told there is no such thing as a house wife, everyone in our family are trained as warriors" i said

"sounds fun" he said in a bored tone

"it's not, last summer they started me off with basic muscle building, this summer she said we would be getting into actual training" i said

"well as i said already good luck" draco said

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