chapter 13: the resorting

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that next morning was pleasant for harry listening to hermione scream as he explained that she had entangled him in her grasp and even through repeated asking refused to let go the more he spoke the more she blushed

"sorry harry" hermione said

"it's fine hermione i didn't mind much though i do wish you would not scream" i said she nodded

they spent the rest of the holidays together and before returning to hogwarts harry returned the granger couple to their home returning to hogwarts

"hey what's wrong" i asked noticing the expression on hermione's face

"i'm a bit nervous" she said

"why is that" i asked

"the resorting" she said

"why we both know where your going" i said

"well i don't want to be placed in ravenclaw i don't know anyone there and i am worried they will treat me as gryffindor did" 

"i'm sure they will love you they are full of know-it-alls, and you will easily find someone with similar interests as you" i said

"you have similar interests as me" she said

"yes but........actually now that i think about it, hermione what do you think about marrying me" i asked this was where hermione had to use her acting skills since she was told not to reveal anything and to let lily do that

"m-marriage" hermione said

"here me out, if you get engaged to me you can use the lady slytherin room, as my future wife, and then after we graduate hogwarts, we can cancel the agreement" i said

"alright" she said

"but this is only in the unlikely event your placed in slytherin, you have a lot against you being muggleborn" i said

after her sorting i learned i should have kept my mouth shut she was placed in slytherin house

we returned to the common room

"hey draco get these morons attention for me" i said he nodded and gathered the common room

"do you all recognize this woman" i asked they nodded they learned not to speak unless told to and they were loyal extremely loyal you'd think they were hufflepuffs with their loyalty

"good she is my betrothed and will be using the lady slytherin dorm, if i here any of you harming her in any way the consequences won't be pleasant dismissed" i said they nodded and left to do their own things she walked up to the door and just as harry hoped the door opened for her just as the lord slytherin door opened for him

and i was surprised to learn that they welcomed hermione with very open arms they treated her as their queen she replaced pansy as their spokesperson and even pansy looked up to her it made me smile

"hey harry, do you plan to actually pursue her" draco asked

"not now, i have no interest in women now, ask me when i hit puberty" i said he nodded it was fair because of hermione being placed in slytherin house the three friends got even closer and she promised herself to capture his heart and become one of his ladies no matter what she had to do she knew then she was in love with him

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