Ch 11 [Confession]

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[Art is not mine]

Ryuko's P.O.V

Everyone was getting ready for bed so we could go to school the next morning, me and Mako now had a new room with new more comfortable bed's, i had put Senketsu in the closet where he would sleep for the night and got ready to sleep.

Everyone was getting ready for bed so we could go to school the next morning, me and Mako now had a new room with new more comfortable bed's, i had put Senketsu in the closet where he would sleep for the night and got ready to sleep

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Mako:"Come one Ryuko-Chan let's go to sleep so we can be up bright and early."

Ryuko:"Okay, calm down Mako i'm just putting up Senketsu."

Mako:"Okay, goodnight Ryuko-Chan."

Ryuko:"Goodnight Mako."

I had the top bunk and Mako had the bottom bunk so we got on our respective bunk's and went to sleep, i was out almost instantly, after a moment i "Woke Up" in a nother place.


It was a wedding chapel, Senketsu took a more "Wedding Dress" type look...well as dress like as he could get, after a second it hit me, this was my wedding.

Dream Senketsu:"Ready Ryuko?"

Dream Ryuko:"Ready as i'll ever be Senketsu."

Ryuko:"What's going on? I'm getting married? To who?"

We walked to the main chapel and then i saw him, my groom.

Ryuko:"EHHHHH!? Y/N is my groom!?"

Not a single person could hear my yelling and constant question's, i wasn't sure how to feel about this, my own wedding and i was getting married to my childhood friend.

Right as we were about to kiss and be "Legally Married" i woke up almost falling off of my bunk.

Dream End.

Ryuko:(Damnit, what the hell was that dream all about? Y/N is my friend but yet i'm dreaming about him like that? Him and Mako are both really close friend's but why do i feel so differently about Y/N?)

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Ryuko:(Damnit, what the hell was that dream all about? Y/N is my friend but yet i'm dreaming about him like that? Him and Mako are both really close friend's but why do i feel so differently about Y/N?)

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