Ch 16 [Twin Devil's]

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[Art is not mine]

Dina's P.O.V

This is so exiding! Me and Viola will be taking on the next member of the elite four, we'll be fighting together against them because we often fight as if we're one person.

Viola:(Prepare yourself Dina, they will not have mercy on us. Dina:"Yeah yeah i know, just don't get your panties in a knot about it, we probably fight better than them anyway." They're a member of the elite four some of the best fighter's on this island, so just be ready for anything.)

We stood together in the stadium and watched our opponent walk up, he definantly looked like the typical movie nerd too.

We stood together in the stadium and watched our opponent walk up, he definantly looked like the typical movie nerd too

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Hoka:"This should help, now then ladies, shall we begin?"

Viola+Dina:"We shall, but be warned, we may be two people but we fight as one!"

We both crossed an arm over the other's so our handgun's would point at him in an "X'ish" shape, my sister holding Ebony and myself holding Ivory the gun's our father gave us.

Hoka:"Huh, we'll just see how that help's you."

After saying whatever he said he activated his ultima uniform, i myself thought the name was funny as hell.


-Probe Regalia

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-Probe Regalia."

Dina:(*Chuckle* Probe Regalia! *Laughter*. Viola:"Stop laughing, you're gonna make me laugh!" *Hystarical Laughter* Probe Regalia, what'a he gonna do? Probe us to death? *Hystarical Laughter*!)

Hoka:"Be ready, my research into the demon's begin's now."

We slowly approached him with our blade's drawn and each other's back's pressed against the other's, he started running and almost became invisible but we've dealt with this kinda thing with certant demon's.


We quickly turned and swung our sword's upward, our suspicion's were correct and our blade's clashed into his armor, we didn't manage to hurt him but we did catch him off guard.

Kill la Kill! - Devilborn [DMC OC x KlK Harem]Where stories live. Discover now