Ch 33 [One in the Same]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

It was around late afternoon when we got back to base from rescuing Mako, i had went to Ryuko's medical bay room where she had finally woken up after being sevearly banged up in her fight with Ragyo. I'm just happy to see her recovering.

Y/N:"How're you feeling Ryuko?"

Ryuko:"Being honest i've been worse but thank you for your consern, how 'bout you?"

Y/N:"We rescued Mako from that giant Cover or as i called it hulk-xedo."

Ryuko:"*Chuckle* Hulk-xedo?"

Y/N:"Yeah. But the only thing that matter's is that she's back and you're in recovery, it's only a matter of time before we get rid of Ragyo and take Honno city back."

While we were talking we both weren't really surprised when Mako paid Ryuko a surprise visit while in recovery.


-Thank goodness you're better, i was so worried!"

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-Thank goodness you're better, i was so worried!"

Senketsu:"Well at least we know that being eaten by the Cover's didn't alter her personality at all. In fact i think it amplified it, or that's just how she act's when she's been away from friend's for too long."

Ryuko:"Nice to see you too Mako. Hey, how was it being eaten by those Cover's?"

Mako then went into great detail about how it felt being eaten by the Cover's, she said that it wasn't that bad but it wasn't very comfortable either.

Mako:"Anyway, i should go help out my mom and dad, see ya later."

Mako walked off to help her parents with whatever they were doing leaving me and Ryuko alone. [Unless you count Senketsu.]

Y/N:"Hey Ryuko?"


Y/N:"When you look back on how we first meet, would you change anything about it?"

Ryuko:"Not really, the way we met in my mind is just fine. By the way, i remember when we were younger you had an amulet, what happened to it?"

Y/N:"I still have it."

I reached into my jacket's pocket and pulled out the amulet i've had sence i was a kid.

I reached into my jacket's pocket and pulled out the amulet i've had sence i was a kid

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Y/N:"It's actually the human side-

Y/N:"It's actually the human side-

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-To this one."

Ryuko:"To symbolize human and demon?"

Y/N:"Bingo, originally Tanjiro was supposed to have both side's but he split the amulet in two and gave me the human half. When i think about it, it's probably this amulet that's saved my rear end from being killed as many time's as i've been stabed and shot."

Senketsu:"So they were made as one full amulet? That mean's Ragyo was also after your amulet along side your sword."

Ryuko:"That could be the only real explination. Why would only one half of the amulet be needed to open the gate anyway? Shouldn't you need the full amulet? 'Cause every video game i've ever played need's the full amulet before it let's you continue."

Y/N:"Well life isn't a video game, but you do bring up a good point with that. I'll never understand it myself why those quack's that made me even made these thing's."

Ryuko:"Hm. Maybe we weren't ment to understand?"

Y/N:"Very possible. I'm glad i have such a smart and cute girlfriend by my side."

Ryuko:"Aw, you sweet talker

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Ryuko:"Aw, you sweet talker. Why are you so sweet?"


-That's just how i function, i can't help myself but be nice to the people i love

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-That's just how i function, i can't help myself but be nice to the people i love."

Ryuko:"*Giggle* You're too cute for your own good."

Senketsu:"Ugh, it's like being a child in front of there parents."

Me and Ryuko got a laugh from Senketsu's reaction to our flirting and eventually went to bed. But i didn't expect what was going to happen between us tonight.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later bye]

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