Ch 25 [Twin's Day's]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

Me Ryuko and Mako had gotten to school about our reguler time, Mako had went to the club room to sort something out but she didn't tell us what it was but she left us alone, after a couple minute's Dina and Viola had shown up almost being late.

Me Ryuko and Mako had gotten to school about our reguler time, Mako had went to the club room to sort something out but she didn't tell us what it was but she left us alone, after a couple minute's Dina and Viola had shown up almost being late

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Dina:"Morning cutie's."

Viola:"If you wanna blame someone for us being late, it's her fault

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Viola:"If you wanna blame someone for us being late, it's her fault."

Dina:"Aw come on i only slept in a little bit."

Viola:"We were almost late because of it."

Dina:"Well you could have used your sword to make a portal then we wouldn't be in this situation."

Viola:"You know that portal only goes between the human world and the underworld you fool."

Y/N:"Hey ladies, let's calm down a little we don't want an argument to happen between you two, would we?"

They both let out a defeated sigh before both of them gave me a kiss on the cheek.

They both let out a defeated sigh before both of them gave me a kiss on the cheek

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Y/N:"Uhh, um."

Dina:"*Giggle* You're so cute when you're all flustered like that."

Ryuko looked kinda jelious but apparently Dina had that covered.

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