Chapter 45

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Things with Jenna are going so well. I feel like this has really been my year. I became a member of the Cobras, we won the championship, and I got my girl. I feel like my life has changed so much over the last several months into something unrecognizable- something far better than I ever imagined for myself.

Growing up, I never really had support from the people closest to me, the people who were supposed to care about me. They were supposed to show me love and affection, to teach me how to be a decent human being. Instead, they taught me about the ugliness in the world. They showed me what not to do.

They were cold and distant, always making me feel like I didn't matter, that I was a waste of space. They turned me into the monster that I used to be, the uncaring, cold-hearted playboy that I used to thrive on being.

It wasn't until I moved to New York and met Jenna that my views started to change. It took a while for me to figure it out, but just by knowing her, I wanted to be a better person- a better man- for her. She's changed me in ways I never thought possible.

Her unending support has shown me that I am worthy of good things in this world- things like love, affection, friendship, and family. Jenna has opened my eyes to a future a young me could only ever dream of- a future so full of love and joy. A future where I can trust those around me to have my back and have my best interests at heart. She's shown me that I deserve to have a family that cares about me, and we're starting to build that together.

With Jenna and the team, I feel like I finally have the family that I so desperately needed growing up. Who knows, if I had that as a kid, maybe I wouldn't have spent so many years of my life acting like such a douche. Perhaps I would have been known as the 'family man' instead of the 'playboy.' But if that were the case, maybe I wouldn't have ended up here with Jenna. And that's something I'd never give up.

No, I'd go through my hellacious childhood all over again a thousand times if it meant I'd end up here at the end of it all with my girl. She's worth everything that I've ever had to go through and so much more.

Nothing in this world means more to me than her. She's the one to thank for my current state of mind, the peace and happiness that resides there where pain and frustration used to hide.

Yeah, the new and improved Tanner Levine is all thanks to Jenna.

I love her so freaking much! I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost her.

Since the season ended, Jenna and I have had so much more time together. We've been able to go out on dates and do couple-y things like hand-holding and stealing a kiss here and there.

The tabloids have had a hay day with it. They've let off a little since Jenna and I first went public with our relationship, but they still creep around every now and again to try to nab a juicy scoop.

Fucking vultures!

They hounded us relentlessly when they first caught wind of my relationship with Jenna. They published stories insinuating all kinds of things- marriage, secret love child, gold-digging. You name it; they printed it. I'm just glad my girl has an iron resolve and didn't pay too much attention to the stories coming out about us.

She said they didn't matter, and she knew they were just trying to make a quick buck. One story they came out with warned crazed fans to back off, though. It said Jenna punched a girl in the face- Val- for hitting on her friend's boyfriend, referring to the incident with Val and Lindsey in the women's restroom at the bar.

The details were wrong, but neither of us bothered to correct them. We think the story was leaked to the press by either Val or Jenna D., but either way, it got my crazy female fans to back off when they see me around the city. And that is something both Jenna and I are very happy about.

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