The blonde one 👱🏻‍♀️

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I can't believe Matteo would leave me for a black bitch like her. He could've chosen a pretty one with a lighter skin tone.

"Hey mom" I say walking into the kitchen.

"How is school" she said.

"Yeah it's fine" I said.

"You know I haven't seen in awhile Tiana you two were like two peas in a pod" she said

"Yep she stole boyfriend" I said.

"Tiana, sweet girl Tiana" she was confused.

"Yep she played me I thought she was my friend" I said trying to act sad.

"My girls" My Dad said walking the kitchen. His a racist. If told him to join The KKK he would and he will do it for free that type of racist.

"Did you know Tiana stole Emily's boyfriend" my mother said.

"The black girl that used come around here" He said.

"Yes that one you should say the "Black girl" that's not right" my mother said.

"What. You know her kind, Just taking without working for it" my Dad said. He was right tho she took my boyfriend without trying.

" I can't believe I used to be friends with her" I said.

"I'm happy that your not friends with that nigger" he said.  My mother threw her fork on her plate.

"Emily go upstairs," my mother said.

"John are you serious right now the n word the girl is a kid she did nothing wrong"  She said standing up.

"She could've done something wrong. They all look suspicious" he said.

"You racist piece of shit" my mother said.

"What" He said

"I'm leaving you I can't be with racist all these years I tried to change you," My mother said.

"Linda you can't be like this" My father cried out.

"Want do you mean. This is why Josh left" My mother yelled.

"He left because he was with that Chinese girl," my father said.

"She's Korean for God's sake you cared about your kids," mother said.

"I DO!!" he yelled.

"Explain to me why he left and moved across the country" he went quiet.

"That's what I thought. You know what I want a divorce" she said.

"Linda What would people think," he said.

"I don't care"

"Give Emily a choice who she wants to be with," my mother said.

"Okay," he declared.

"So you agree with everything," she said.

"Yes" he said.

"Thank God and not sleeping here" She said.

"And where are you going to go" my dad said.

"Your forgetting that I'm real estate agent I sell apartments and house for a living" she said living the kitchen.She saw me sitting on the stairs.

"Oh honey did you hear all that" she said crouching down to my level.

"Yep I did" I whispered but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"I'm sorry things happen. I'm genuinely sorry" she said caressing my cheek.

"It's okay I'm going to bed I have school tomorrow " I said standing up.

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