Sam's Interrogation

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"This happens way too much," You sighed.

Sam pointed a gun to your head. "Maybe if you weren't with Dream you'd be less targeted."

"Come on, just get it over with, I'd rather not be shot," You snickered.

You followed Sam to a room that seemed oddly familar. Ponk had spoken of it. You weren't very close with him, but him and Sam had a lot of conflicts. He had lost his left arm because of Sam. It disgusted you that Sam had cut his arm off. The two even used to be close. Who even does that? You wouldn't cut someone's arm off just because they stole a prison key from you.

This was the same chamber that Ponk was kept in, or at leats you assumed it was. You were behind glass and some machines were hooked up to you. Sam was standing on the other side with a remote. You struggled as black cuffs were adjusted onto the top of your head, on your arms, and on your legs.

"What is this? Just shoot me already, don't make my death long," You complained.

"You think you're funny, don't you?"

"I am pretty funny."

"You're not going to be laughing much longer."

Sam paced back and forth, and he wasn't very amused with you. At first, you wanted to attack him, but you wanted to see what he wanted. And plus, he doesn't seem very strong without his prison, you could easily take him down any time you wanted, and if you didn't, Dream would come for you. Easy.

You weren't scared of Sam, no matter how hard he tried. 

"I'm going to ask you some questions," Sam spoke.

"Go for it."

"When did you first meet Dream?" he questioned.

"He actually took me as a hostage," You answered, trying to hold back your laughter.

"See, you've said one sentence and he's already proven himself to be cruel."

"You're taking me hostage right now."

"You followed me, I didn't just take you."

"You had me at gun point."

"Oh, I forgot about that."


Sam was just like the others. He was angry at Dream for his past actions. People can change for the better and some can change for the worst. Dream was better, and Sam had become worse. He wasn't that bad before he created the prison.

"Why was Dream after you specifically?"

"How would I know?"

You felt an electric shock and the cuffs burned your skin. He really had it out for you, didn't he? How would you know the reason Dream loved you? Sam was a complete and utter idiot sometimes. Actually, he was one all of the time.

"I don't know!" You yelled.

"Anyways, why didn't you visit him?"

"Our relationship wasn't at a great point. I was scared to even talk to him, and I completely regret it."

"Why do you still love him after all of the pain he's caused?"

"He's changed, and I'll love him no matter what," You smiled.

Here comes the burn and the electric shock. "What the heck, Sam? I told you the truth!"

"I didn't like your answer," Sam shrugged.

The cuffs fell off your ankles and wrists. "What now?"

"You'll stay there for now."

"I'm kind of bored."

"Good for you."

Without any further words, you broke the glass, kicking Sam onto the ground. His nose was bleeding like crazy and he gasped as blood poured out of his mouth. You had kicked him right in the face. Whoops. You didn't want to show him mercy after what he put Dream through. The only reason Quackity was able to do what he did was because of Sam.

Sam almost lost his balance as he stood up, but he was still able to do it. As he wiped blood off his face, he stared at you in anger. It's like he wasn't expecting you to attack him. Did he really think he could get away with what he did? Dream already messed him up, it was your turn. Although Dream was a bit harsh, you were defending yourself, so you'd just get him to an unconscious point.

As Sam kicked your leg, you punched him in the face a good three times with your full force. He groaned in pain, kicking you against the wall with his full strength. As Sam bolted toward you to throw a final punch, you slammed him onto the ground. As he started to sit up, you gave him one last punch to keep him down.

You weren't going to kill him though.

His eyes were blinking shut, and he gave you one last glance before he fell unconscious. You rushed out of the chamber, only making it a couple feet away from it before you were met by a tall figure. It was Dream.

"Y/N, darling, what happened?"

You could only imagine the cuts on your face after you saw your bloody hands and legs. "I just got into a little fight," You smiled.

"Little? I asked you to wait outside for a few minutes."

"Sam was there. But I taught him a lesson."

"And this why I don't want to let you out of my sight," he grumbled, leading you inside.

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