Chapter 1 Freddy's Good Heart

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In the kitchen area of the ski cabin, Rick and Derrick had just finished doing the dishes and were going to bed, when Derrick grabbed his hand. Rick stopped, looking concerned, for Derrick's face was unsettling.

"Rick, I have to be straight up honest now, especially since we're sleeping together. What I saw earlier with you and Alfonzo tonight, and what I've been watching him closely throughout this trip....I can't help feel, there's something going on with you guys. Am I imagining this, or...should I not be worried?" Rick stared at him, and really wanted to avoid talking about what he saw. He couldn't reply to his boyfriend, not right away anyway.

"Listen Derrick, I'll be honest too, okay? I also don't know what you saw out there either, or what you've noticed throughout this trip. Alfonzo is going through some adjustments."

"What do you mean, adjustments?"

"Yeah, look, Alfonzo and I are friends, like you and I, we have a history together, and now that we're dating other people, it's harder for him. He's used to spending every day with me."

"So, you were embracing like that because, he misses you?"

"Exactly! We needed to clear the air between us, and get on a better path of friendship. Derrick there's no need to be jealous or worried about me and Alfonzo because it's never gonna happen. I'm in love with you, not Alfonzo." Derrick smiled now, his face seemed much more relaxed, and more pleasant to look at. He put his hands to his face and kissed him lightly when he said shyly,

"I'm sorry I got all freaked out, I just...I notice how he looks at you sometimes, when you don't notice him. Maybe he's not in love with you, maybe he's jealous, maybe I'm being totally paranoid but, I just can't help feeling Alfonzo may not be that happy with his girlfriend, and wishes to be with you instead." Rick heaved a long sigh, took his hand and went to sit on the couch.

"Listen Derrick, I want you in bed with me tonight, not Alfonzo. I want to sleep with you, not Alfonzo. And plus, I doubt he's in love with me or wants something different. Besides he's not gay Derrick."

"Rick, you don't have to be gay to be in love with someone."

"For God sake Derrick Taylor!" Rick said exasperatedly. "Look, do you want me to ask Alfonzo if he's in love with me?"


"Okay then! But I'll ask him, right after you leave. Come on, let's enjoy our last night together, especially considering that, it's now midnight." Derrick smiled but looked confused.

"Midnight?" Derrick suddenly saw Rick was wearing the watch he gave him when they were kids as he looked at the time.

"You remember this date? Or were you too busy focusing on Alfonzo's manor to remember? Sunday, 25'th of March, 1982? It's the first day we met in Military school. Whatever, I'm going to bed."

Derrick rushed over to Rick and held him close. So close, they were almost squeezing each other.

"I'm so sorry Richard, forgive me. It's so sweet that you remembered that, and that you're wearing my watch. I love you so much and I really hate leaving you tomorrow." They got out of their arms so they could look at each other.

"Happy Anniversary Derrick. You know how crazy you make me sometimes?" Derrick smiled and held him closer if possible.

"But you're crazy in love with me anyway, right?"

They smiled, then beautifully, with Derrick's hands on his neck. Ending with a few short pecks and then a smile, they took hands before going in the same room together for the night.


The next morning, was bright and snowy and clear, and Derrick moaned in his sleep, just waking up. He turned over to face his sleeping beauty. He bent over to kiss his forehead. This woke him up and Rick smiled.

Book 2 The Strongest Knd Of YearnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora