Chapter 4 Rick's Romantic Dream

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It must have been around three AM when he woke, feeling strangely hungry. Besides that it was dark out but he couldn't have slept that long, it didn't make sense. When Rick was getting some milk out of the fridge for a drink the door knocked. In case it was someone dangerous, he took a baseball bat and opened the door. He took a step backward seeing a handsome dark skinned boy he knew too well.


"Hi. I know it's in the middle of the night, I'm sorry."

"Um, yeah it is. Why are you here, now of all hours?" A moment's pause. He looked at him, that same look he had when they were together outside the cabin, or when they were on top of each other on Alfonzo's bed. What was happening?

"We have some unfinished business that we need to straighten out.

"What are you talking about?"

"The day we left the ski lodge, and you were on top of me? What was going through your mind?"

Rick swallowed thickly, and then he asked his friend the same question.

"You didn't have to tell me with words that you wanted me, Rick. I saw it in your eyes. I could feel the heat from your body, and your lips longed for mine. If you don't want what I think you want then tell me, and I'll be gone from your life forever. Because I can't be in pain anymore."

Rick stared at him. His heart was pounding in his ears. Alfonzo was hurting? Derrick was right about him being in love, with his best friend?

"Alfonzo, I don't want you to be in pain. I care about you...but...Derrick and I...."

"I understand. Well I guess that just leaves a whole in my heart. So long Rick, I'm sorry to complicate your life so much, especially on our ski trip. You'll be better off without me." But Rick grabbed him as he was about to leave. The crutch he was holding in his hand fell to the ground with a thud, like the sound of a drum.

"You're not leaving me Alfonzo. I need you."

"You need me? You need me like I need you? Your heart beats fast when you're near me, like mine does when I'm near you?" Rick nodded.

Just then, a crash of lightning came from outside. and it was at that moment, when they were at each other, mouth to mouth, pressing their bodies against each other, running their hands up and down each other's fronts. Their wet tongues colliding with the same frantic speed like their breathing. Next they began tearing off each other's shirts when....

"AHHHHH!" Rick screamed as he sat up in bed, sweating and shaking from his erotic dream. He turned on the light and sighed heavily. Why in the hell was he dreaming about making out with his best friend?! It didn't mean anything right? Of course not! "I don't love Alfonzo...I don't!"

What made things worse was, now that Derrick was gone, he'd have to endure Alfonzo alone, and whatever was going on between them. He'd also have to live with his guilty conscience about that dream. What was even worse, he couldn't tell anyone about it, especially Alfonzo. That kiss still felt so real and the next night he almost didn't want to sleep anymore, afraid of having such another nightmare like that one. Or was it a nightmare?


One morning after another sleepless night, Rick's folks were heading off to work when they were concerned at his appearance.

"Rick, are you okay son? You look like a raccoon."

"Thanks dad you look like a chipmunk!"

"Rick, how much sleep have you gotten the last two nights? I know it's been difficult since Derrick left but you need your sleep." Said Kate.

"I'm fine." Said Rick and almost fell on top of his serial to catch some more shut eye when his father rescued him in time.

"Son I better call the school and tell them you're sick before you drown yourself in your serial."

"Dad, I can go to school, I'm not sick! I'm just sick of people asking me all these questions! I swear if one more person asks me how I am I'm gonna..."

"Hey Rick how's it going?" Jenna asked coming in the kitchen with Freddy.

Freddy and his girlfriend Jenna happened to knock on the kitchen door and came in, but jumped when Rick yelled at them.

"THAT'S IT! Oh...sorry guys I've just had a bad night and I'm getting the third degree from my dad."

"Right, which reminds me, Freddy would you mind telling Mrs. Penny that Rick here is sick."

"Sure no problem Mr. Stratton, by the way this is my girlfriend Jenna. Here that everyone? Jenna, my girlfriend!" Edward smiled warmly and shook her hand. Kate, tried not to cry and told Jenna she was very lucky to have him.

"Thanks, I know I am. Come on honey we'll be late."

"Hear that folks she called me honey! Hold on Jenna, Rick where are you?"

"Yes Fred, I'm here." Said Rick going over to him and touching his arm to reassure he was there. "I need a word with you, in private somewhere, is that okay?"

"Of course. You guys hang tight here I'll be right back."


They went into the living room and sat on the sofa together. Freddy spoke first.

"Rick I'm sorry about Derrick leaving, I know how sad you must be."

"Sad? I'm fine Freddy. Okay I'm not fine. Everyone Is treating me like some kind of sad lonesome pathetic lovesick..."



"You're heartbroken because Derrick left, so you're angry. I'm angry every day but I try not to show it." Rick tried not to cry here and smiled through his grief.

"Freddy, you're so strong. I wish I was as brave as you. But this thing with Derrick gone, and Alfonzo and's all so complicated and confusing for me." After a moment Freddy asked,

"What's so complicated about a friendship? Rick , you and Alfonzo have been buds since I can remember, but if you decide to be more than that..."

Rick interrupted him right there, telling him there was no way, no how, not ever that he would consider dating Alfonzo. Whatever was going on between them would have to stop, because he was going to remain faithful to Derrick, no matter how far their distance. Freddy could tell that his friend needed a hug, so he gave him one. He held his friend close, the sick friend that he could lose anytime, he just hoped it would be a long time before that day would come.

"I hate to see you in pain Rick, and I know somehow you'll sort things out with Alfonzo, and Derrick will always be in your heart, no matter how far apart you two are from one another. Things will get better."

"Thanks Freddy. I hope you're right." Freddy and Rick released themselves, and Jenna came in, asking Rick if he was going to school with them or not.

"Please give my apologies to Mrs. Penny. I haven't gotten much sleep the last few nights, so I couldn't stay awake in class."

"I'll bring back your homework for you later." Said Freddy smiling. Before Freddy and Jenna left, holding hands, Rick told them he was incredibly happy for them.

"Thank you Rick, that means a lot to us. Get good rest now huh?" Said Freddy. Rick waved, and climbed like an old man, slowly up the stairs.


Rick turned over on his bed and half cried and half slept. He hugged a picture of Derrick close to his chest. When would things get better? When would this pain ever end?

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