Chapter 17 Making Memories

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Rick didn't have the heart to go back into the party. Not after that. He went back to the bench and sat down, feeling so miserable. The only people that were happy today were his dad and his new step mom and their guests. He heard the door open, but he didn't look to see who it was.


"Oh hi dad. Why aren't you dancing with your bride?" Edward smiled.

"She's dancing with Dexter. Son I saw Derrick leave just now. He looked pretty upset."

"There's a reason for that. We officially broke up." Rick set his head in his hands and his father sighed, sitting next to him with his arm around him. He told him that nothing ever stayed the same forever, and long distance relationships were always hard.

"But there's one relationship that you have already. With Alfonzo. Son, what you did tonight was amazing, and I'm so proud of you." Rick smiled and said sadly, that he didn't feel so proud of himself for hurting Derrick. He told him he felt like he tore off his arm, and that they didn't think they'd ever be the same after this.

"Son, time heals all wounds, even wounds of the heart. Besides, someone very handsome is waiting in there for you. He'd love to dance with you I'm sure." Edward patted his son's knee, and went back inside to the laughter and the music. Rick sighed and stood up, he knew he couldn't hide out here forever, so he might as well pretend to enjoy himself.

Rick walked in, and saw Alfonzo dancing with Jenna. He went over to her and tapped his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, may I cut in?"

"Oh, of course!" Said Jenna happily and went to dance with Freddy. Alfonzo looked at Rick nervously and asked if he was okay.

"Once I'm in your arms, I will be. May I have this dance?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Kate and Edward smiled warmly, watching Rick and Alfonzo dancing together, standing so close, their foreheads practically touching.


"Yes Rick?"

"Can I kiss you again?"

"Really? After you've just broken up with Derrick?"

"We're over Alfonzo, I'm not sure if we're even friends right now. But, I know who I love right now, and who I want to kiss from now on, and that's you."

"I really wanna kiss you too." Rick stopped dancing and leaned in. Alfonzo had to crane his neck up a little as Rick was slightly taller. But soon after, their lips met perfectly. Again all the excitement came back as Rick felt Alfonzo's arms circulate his neck. Rick stroked his back and shoulders, while simultaneously their tongues played a kind of wrestling match. Both sighing deeply, their romantic kiss slowed to a stop, as their hands rested on each other's necks. Both heart beats were going wild with desire and pleasure, even when they stopped kissing.


The thrill was still there, when they were dancing even closer now, their arms wrapped around each other, you couldn't even see their faces because they were both hidden on each other's shoulders.

"I can't believe Alfonzo is with Richard." Said Dexter softly. Kate went over to him by the punch bowl, watching him watching his Nephew dancing.

"Are you not happy about this? I think it's wonderful."

"I'm not thrilled Katie, but, I don't want to make him unhappy. It's his mother I'm worried about, she's not going to accept them." Kate looked worried.

"Why what's she going to do?" Kate wondered in fear. Dexter sighed and looked at her.

"She'll do anything she can to split them apart. My sister is very prejudice. She doesn't care about people's feelings, not much anyway. She'll discourage Alfonzo for dating a white boy, or any boy for that matter. I'm scared for my Nephew, and what his life entails now." Kate put her hand on Dexter's shoulder.

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