Chapter 6 The First Band Session

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Friday came of course, as there was no stopping time. But it was a beautiful sunny afternoon by the instant Rick started setting things up in the living room, making it look perfect for his band members.

"Hi son." Edward smiled coming in the front door, after a game of golf with his business associate and friend Dexter.

"Hi dad." Said Rick, getting the last chair in the room out of the way.

"The place looks great, looking forward to this?"

"Depends on what you mean by looking forward." Said Rick, sounding doubtful, and depressed.

"Son, I know you're going through a hard time with Derrick's departure, but this will be a good way of distracting yourself from missing him so much. By the way, what time are they getting here?" Rick told his dad that he predicted the gang was to arrive in a half hour. As he was looking through some old sheets of music he had inside the piano bench, he noticed something. He no longer had his bracelet on his left wrist. The bracelet that Derrick gave him to officiate their relationship.

"Oh no! Dad, my bracelet is gone!"

"What bracelet?"

"The special bracelet Derrick gave me before he left! It's gone! What on earth will I tell him?!"

"Son relax, you probably just misplaced it somewhere in the house. When did you see it last?"

"Gee I don't know the last time I had it on my wrist?!" Rick told him he was wearing it at school, and after school he went to Hall's Diner and was sure he had it on there as well.

"It must be somewhere!" Said Rick, starting to panic.

"Did you check in your pockets?" Then, a pale sickly color covered his face.

"Oh no...oh no! Dad! I was working on my car right after I got back from school today! Then after I was done, I noticed they got really dirty, so I put my pants in the wash without checking the pockets! What if I left it in there to.....God Derrick's gonna kill me!" Rick was beyond hysterical now, and ran to fetch Maria, the family's housekeeper.

He yelled for her when she practically bumped into him as she came in from the kitchen. Hastily Rick asked her about the bracelet when she informed him she hadn't seen it, but lots of extra change for herself! Rick frowned.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Rick clicked the remote control (His house happened to be computerized) so it opened automatically. There, Alfonzo appeared. He was surprised to see him at the door so soon. The rehearsal didn't start for another half hour.

"I'm sorry Rick, I thought it was important that I came early, so I can return this to you."

"Hey my bracelet! Alfonzo you're a lifesaver! Where was it?!"

"At school actually. It was on your chair in Mr. Wilkinson's class. It must have fallen out of your wrist, sometimes that can happen." Rick's breathing was finally getting back to normal by now, and he was able to hug him tightly for a moment saying,

"I'm so grateful. Really, I don't know how to thank you. Said Rick in a voice that stirred Alfonzo's heart. Rick's hug made Alfonzo's spine shiver as well.

"Don't mention it. What are brotha's for, right? Well if you don't need me, I'll get going and come back in a half hour with the rest of the band."

"Alfonzo wait, you can stay, I can see you brought your stuff anyway."

Rick helped him carry his music stand into the room while Alfonzo got out his guitar.

"Brad is bringing the amp."

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