Chapter 2 The Photograph

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Rick and Alfonzo were still in the same room but they were currently silent. When Rick nearly finished packing his things, he remembered what Derrick asked him to do. He knew there was no more wasting time and he had to find out eventually. He was just about to ask, when he found a photo in his backpack. It was in a hidden pocket on the right hand side. It was a photograph of them as kids.

"Alfonzo, you have a picture of us in your backpack?"

"What?" Rick held it out so he could see, and he stared at the photograph. Hastily, Alfonzo tried grabbing it from him, but Rick held it higher so he couldn't reach it.

"Look Rick, it's not what you think, okay?! If Amanda finds that, she'll freak out, now give it back to me!"

"No! Not until you explain yourself! Do you like me, Alfonzo?" Alfonzo stopped trying to get at the photograph. He was on crutches after all and had to be careful.

"No, I don't." He said quietly, avoiding his eyes.

"Alfonzo I don't get you. You do all these amazing things for me, avoid me, put my needs before yours, fight with me, and now I see an old photo of us from when we were young. Are you attracted to me?" Rick asked weakly. Alfonzo was breathing heavily here and then lost it completely and threw down his crutches on the floor with a thud. He forgot about his injured leg and dived at his friend. Just then, Rick lost his balance and grabbed Alfonzo's hands so he wouldn't collapse on the floor and hurt himself more, and with a big thud, they fell on the bed together with Alfonzo flat on top of him.

It was totally still. Still and silent, except for the sound of their beating hearts of which they could both hear because they were so close. Time seemed to freeze as they remained glued in position, and they kept staring at each other. Really, it was like you were watching a romantic drama! Rick loosened his hands a little in his but still kept them clasped on his own. He felt warm and feverish, too scared to move. Alfonzo felt the same, his eyes glued on his best friend.

Suddenly, a sharp voice brought them back to earth and they turned their heads towards the sound.

"What the hell is going on here?" The voice was from Derrick who stood by the door, along with Amanda and Freddy. Rick hastily got up and grabbed Alfonzo's crutches so he could stand and they both tried to act as nonchalant as possible.

"Oh my God it's not what you think Derrick, honest! Alfonzo just dropped his crutches by accident and almost fell over, that's why we were on the bed together right Alfonzo?"

Yeah he's right, It's totally innocent Derrick I swear." Said Alfonzo, speaking really fast. Derrick of course didn't look completely convinced, but he said he was cool, and told them everyone was pretty much ready and packed up.

Amanda was worried about her boyfriend, and rushed over to Alfonzo and cried anxiously,

"Alfonzo be careful of your leg! Are you okay? I can't have you falling again, is your leg all right?"

"It's fine baby trust me. Come on let's go, we'd like to make it back before dinner time!"


They all left the room together and Rick noticed Derrick acting strange and distant towards him, and before they both got in the car Rick grabbed his arm and asked,

"Derrick you don't think for a second something happened between me and Alfonzo do you?" Rick asked anxiously.

"I dunno Richard you tell me. What really happened back there?"

"I promise you Derrick nothing happened, besides I told you Alfonzo just fell, right Alfonzo?" His loyal friend of course told him that's what really happened, and it wasn't a total lie either, except the part of Alfonzo having a picture of Rick in his backpack for God knows how long.

Just then Alfonzo really did something amazing, and told Derrick how he should be damn lucky to have a boyfriend like him, that he shouldn't take him for granted, and that he should believe him. He then assured Derrick that nothing whatsoever was going on between them and nothing ever would.

"Learn to trust your boyfriend! And appreciate him! Let's go guys it's almost noon!" Said Alfonzo said angrily and Amanda opened the car door for him. Rick sighed, not looking so happy at Derrick and got in the drivers seat.

Derrick quickly went around to the passenger side and sat next to him. Just as they started the engine and Rick asked if everyone was buckled up Derrick said softly,

"I'm so sorry Richard. I trust you. I'm sorry to act all suspicious."

"From now on, don't okay? Everyone ready guys?!"

"Ready!" They all cheered.

As Rick was driving off and stopped the car again a minute later, Derrick asked if he forgot something.

"What's the matter?"

"There's something I wanna do before we all leave."


In no time at all, they all found themselves standing outside the cabin, and Rick got his camera out. Everyone was lined up with their arms on each other's shoulders.

"Okay guys, let's all give a big smile okay! Hold up, something isn't right here. Alfonzo, you stand next to Amanda, come on, get closer! Okay, perfect! Now Derrick, help Freddy get in the middle, and stand behind him."

Derrick smiled down at Freddy doing so, putting his arms over his shoulders and across his chest. Freddy was a bit shorter than all of them anyway. "Okay that's terrific! One...two....three!" Rick did several shots on the mountain of the whole gang and it turned out to be a wonderful momentum of the occasion.

Years from then, he would have the picture on his dresser and every now and gaze at it fondly, especially at the bravest and best person in the center. Freddy's face never looked so happy as it did on that day. That look alone would bring tears to his eyes in the future.

"Rick, can you take a picture of just me and my boyfriend together? I wanna remember this forever." He felt a little uneasy but he knew Alfonzo would be really happy if he did this. It would show that he was supportive of his new relationship, and would also make Derrick feel more secure too.

So Alfonzo and Amanda put their arms around each other, gazing at each other as if they were in a romantic movie. The first shot Rick took, they were looking at each other, and the last shot, they were kissing. Again Rick's stomach did an uncomfortable summer salt. Maybe he had too many pancakes that morning?

Anyway it was a beautiful picture and it slid out the back and Amanda was very happy with the result and gave one for Alfonzo to keep.

"Okay guys! We can go now!" Announced Rick, wanting to interrupt the make out session that followed after the photo shoot on the mountain. Before Rick got in his car, Alfonzo put his arm on Rick's shoulder.

"Thanks buddy, that really meant a lot to me, and thank you for being such a good friend."

"Sure, don't mention it." Ever again, thought Rick miserably. He was rather quiet on the ride home and didn't join in with the singing like he did on the way up. Derrick of course thought it was because he knew he would be leaving really soon, that's why his heart wasn't in it. But of course he was wrong about that, wasn't he?

Book 2 The Strongest Knd Of YearnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora