Chapter 18 A Huge Misunderstanding

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Rick's depression went on like this for a few more days and he spent most of his time in bed. Maria, their house maid and cook, made him get off his butt and get outside, when he really didn't want to.

"Rick, I'm gonna be cleaning in here and I really want you out of my way. Just go for a drive or a walk and I know it'll do you good. Cheer up honey, I know it's hard right now, but it'll only get worse if you keep hiding like this." Finally after threatening to spray him with some Windex cleaner, he got up and went out.

"Oh Rick?"

"Yeah Maria?" She went over and hugged him. Maria was more of a friend to him than a house made, always giving good advice and making him laugh.

"Hang in there suga, remember you're a good person."

"If I'm so good Maria, why do I feel so lousy?"

"Because you're not letting yourself feel good. Now scram!" She tossed him his car keys.


At the old hang out, Leave It To Burgers, Alfonzo and Brad were sitting down for some burgers and fries when Brad suddenly asked,

"So what's kissing a guy like?" Alfonzo choked just then on his coke, coughing uncontrollably and had to sip some water.

"Why did you ask me that?!"

"No reason dude, I'm just curious. You know, curious Brad that's me!" Alfonzo made a 'you're weird' face.

"It's no different than kissing a girl really. It all depends on who you're kissing, like if you really care about a person, it can be amazing. If you don't, it means nothing, simple as that." Brad smiled.

"So, you do care about Rick." This wasn't a question, it was a statement, and a pleasant smile came over Alfonzo's face, almost as if he was re-living kissing Rick at the wedding.

"Yes, I do, very much, but we can't be together Brad." Brad looked curious and asked him why. Alfonzo explained as best he could.

"Just because you're black and he's white? So what?" Alfonzo shrugged, and said he also didn't understand why that was a problem for some people either. He also said how crazy about him he was, and knew that if he could, he'd fight for their love.

"Why don't you?" Brad asked.

"'s complicated." The only unsatisfying word he could come up with. Suddenly Brad sat up straighter and snapped his fingers together which made Alfonzo jump.

"Hey! I got a rad idea man! Your folks don't want you guys together because they're against Rick right? Well, what if you pretend to date someone way worse than Rick?"

"What are you talkin about Brad?" Alfonzo asked very fast.

Brad clarified, that if Alfonzo pretended to like someone else, who was a real crummy person, then his folks would have no choice but to let Alfonzo date a good person, and that good person would be Rick! Alfonzo pondered a moment then said it would be a terrible idea.

"So, would I date a guy or a girl?"

"Does it matter? What's your preference? By the way, either is cool with me, okay?" Brad reassured him, putting a hand on his arm. Alfonzo then said how grateful he was for his friendship. Then Brad made him jump again as he said,

"Hey, what if we pretend to date! I'm the baddest guy in the whole damn town!"

"You? Hold up don't you have a girlfriend, Kelly Hoffman?"

"We're not exclusive yet, and besides I'll explain things to her. She'll totally understand. So come on Alfonzo how about it? You and me act like a couple for a week?" Alfonzo told Brad he felt like he was making a deal with the devil. Then Brad reminded him that his folks were most likely to tear him and Rick apart, so finally he agreed.

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